A/N Q&A?

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Alright so I have officially started writing The Last Knight!

And by started I mean that I have written one sentence XD

Anyway in the mean time to celebrate 4 books that you manage to read though and actually like, why don't you ask me a few questions?

Do a sort of Q&A thing.

Idk I'm bored and you probably won't see chapter 1 until next week.

It can be Transformers related or just want to get to know me. So ask away!

So that's all I want to say

I've also almost finished 3 of the 5 requests for my Transformers One shot book so they'll be out soon.

So get ready for more of my shitty writing


P.S. I'm sick again.......FUCK

Also It's official Knockout is an Owl (photo up top)

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