Stinger and the Bee

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I love this chapter XD Anyway guess who's sick again. That's right, Dust is. Uhhhhhhrg being sick sucks. At lest I'm on a week brake now, but I have a lot of work to do bleh.

The next morning after a fun night of dancing and have the most fun I've had in a long time, me Cade and Bee made our way to KSI headquarters.

"Lets just hope that they don't know my face." I said as I sat in the passenger set for once. It was a strange felling rather then sitting in the driver set.

The reason behind that was so it would be harder to recognise me if they did have word of who I am.

"By the looks of these guys, we might me in the clear." Cade said as we drove up to the gate where a bunch of soldiers stood with guns. We pulled up behind another car that was being putting in for scanning.

"I hope so." I said as I looked at the men with guns around us. I was used to things like this, but after being hunted by Cemetery Wind, you can't exactly let your guard down.

"Hey you need to relax." Cade said as he looked over at me. "Nothing's going to happen. Plus you'll make Bumblebee worry." He said and a few beeps of agreement came though the radio which caused you to laugh.

We both sat in since still waiting for the car in front of us to be finished with their inspection until a thought came into my mind. "Hey Cade. I should probably tell you something that happened a month ago." I said and he looked over at me with a raised eyebrow.

I laughed, knowing that this could be the last of we'll ever see of Shane. "I'm not sure if you herd or not, but Shane sorta sunk into your house. At the time I had no idea who he was, I probably would of hurt him if I didn't here him talking to Tessa." I said and looked over at Cade who was clenching his jaw.

"I'm going to kill him when we get back." Was all he said though gritted teeth.

Not long after we finished the conversation, it was finally our turn to go though inspection.

"Taking in for scanning?" One of the guards said as he walked over to Cade's of the door.

He just nodded his head and held out his pass that Bee made for us. We where let in after a while and drove into a warehouse that was full of a verity of cars sat.

We drove all the way into what looked like a show room that had a ugly looking, pink car with what looked like a pink version of Bee.

"Why would anyone make something pink? Especially a car" I said as I got out and looked up at the ugly bot.

"He kind of looks like you, Bee." Cade said as he stood next to me.

The video that was playing in the show room started up the looped again. "Stinger, inspired by Bumblebee, but better in every way." The lady in the video said.

I glared at the screen and herd Bee say "What? Son of a...!" and started to do donuts in the show room, making a loud noice.

Though I didn't agree in anyway of what she said, with Bee's little temper tantrum, he was going to attract people to us.

"Hey Bee, calm down!" I yelled, which was all I could do unless I wanted to be crush. Luckily Bee stopped when we herd voice come from the direction of one of the screens. Soon a group of people walked out, one of them was talking in what sounded like Chinese.

"My delicate flower, I can't understand you when you're angry. Actually, I...I don't really understand you at all." The bald guy said and I attempted to act natural, while I lent on Bee's hood to try and keep him clam.

Bee raved his engine once more, showing that he was still pissed, which sadly caught the attention of the group of people. "Hey! Hey, you two! Grease monkeys." The bald  guy yelled and started to walk over to us.

"What the hell is going on here?" He asked once he stood infront of Cade and looked between the two of us. I felt Bee's hood start to heat up once again. I patted the hood and the metal immediately started to cool down, causing small smile appeared on my face.

"What's with this vintage crap? We're not scanning collector car junk. What do you think it is that we make here? Hmm? We make poetry. We're poets. Alright? You work for me, you get one mistake. One. Understood?" Bald guy said as he looked between the two of us.

The metal beneath me started to get to hot for me to lean on so I quickly stood up straight, trying to act natural. This guy better leave before Bee, dose something stupid.

He started to say something to Cade that I couldn't quite make out until he looked towards Bee/. "So let's get this pathetic thing out of here. And you, too." He said in a clam voice that wanted me to punch him in the face.

When bald guy finally disappeared with the rest of the group that was following him, Cade turned towards me. "Watch him. I'm going to see what I can find. Quietly get out of here." Said I gave him a two ginger salute and washed him run off.

Once he did, I quickly back away from be as he transformed and glared at the ugly pink copy of himself.

"Bee, I know your angry, but now is not the right time. You need to calm down." I said as I looked up at him.

The sound of shifting though channels was herd before Bee finally found a saying. "I'm perfectly calm, dude."

I sighed knowing that he is not going to clam down anytime soon. "Bee. Don't. Step away from the guy robot." I said and watched him as he grabbed hold of it by the neck. "I'm calm. I'm calm. I'm not even touching it. Okay, I'm barely touching it."

I rubbed my face and groaned and then turned to the screens that was around the room when I her a pompous voice started to speak. "Our design team started with the Bumblebee."

Another man was shown on screen that said 'chief designer' in the corner. Bee walked over and stood in front of the screen. " But really, this alien's design was decrepit and, let's face it, antique."

Oh boy, these guys are assholes. There design of Bee is crap compared to the yellow and black bot himself. "Bee, don't do anything stupid. I know these guys are a-holes but you need to say clam." I said as I attempted to calm him down, which wasn't really working well.

The insults carried on making Bee more angry and more jittery.

"You mean ugly." The last guys aid and that sent Bee over the edge.

"Oh, hell, no!" He said and stomped over to Stinger. "You think you better then me!" He said and kicked Stinger over, which cased it to land with a loud bang and sent sparks everywhere , which probably alerted everyone. near by.

I herd metel shifting behind me and turned to see Bee back in in his alt mode.

"What did you touch" I loud voice sounded behind me, causing me to jump. I looked over at where Stinger laid on the ground and looked back to the guy who just walked in.

I couldn't think of anything, as I didn't think about getting caught. Bee then started to play MC Hammer's 'Can't Touch This'.

I would of kissed Bee because of that, but as I was basically in trouble, I just stood there.

"My office in fifteen minutes" The guy said as started to walk over to me.

This is bad.

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