The plan

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Sorry this chapter is a day late. Me and a group of friends when and saw 'Kingsman: The Golden Circle' last night and it was a amazing. We stood outside the teaser for like an hour talking about movies and stuff (We're all film students) so I didn't get home until after 12:40am. Anyway the last part of this chapter was suggested by one of my readers BUTTHEADSHOUSE1738 a little while ago. Basically its inspired by the video.

Once morning came around we made sure there was no trace of us camping out here. When everyone was satisfied that there was no trace of that anyone what's here, the autobots transformed and we started to make out way to Chicago.

After a long drive we finally made it into the city limits, looking for the perfect spot where we set up camp.

After driving around for a while we found an abandoned church and all drove in. Once everyone was inside, I shut the doors which gave us some privacy and the Bots where all able to transformed.

"Me and Sam are going to be the two they'll recognised the fastest, if they pay attention." I said as I stood next to Cade, while Tessa, Shane and Sam sat on the dusty couch that was left there while the Autobot's stood around us, listening in.

"But since we're all wanted now, we have to be careful. (Y/n) has military background and knows how these operations work, so make sure when she says not to do something, listen." Cade said as he looked at his daughter and her boyfriend.

"So whats the plan?" Sam asked as he looked at us.

I turned to look at Cade for him to explain.

"We're gonna divide and Conquer. Tessa, Shane. You two are in charge of stealing food and the essentials, And nothing else." Cade said giving Tessa and Shane a pointed look.

I rolled my eyes and then spoke up. "Cade is going to scout out KSI headquarters to find away in with out being caught. And since its to dangerous for me and Sam to be walking about, We'll stay here until we're ready to sneak into KSI." I then looked over to Tessa and Shane. "And please don't get caught. I really don't want to lose anyone else." I finished.

Tessa gave me a smile and stood up. "Don't worry, we'll be alright." She said and left with Crosshairs and Drift to go out shopping.

While everyone was out, Me and Sam sat on the old couch that was left in the church catching up on things that I'v missed while Bee sat behind us.

"So Bee was leader while Optimus went M.I.A?" I asked looking between the yellow and black bot and my younger brother.

Sam laughed while Bee looked proud of himself. "Yeah, though Crosshairs and Drift didn't like it much. As you herd last night, they think he's a kid." Sam said looking up at him.

Bee let out a whine and his wings to drop which caused me to laugh. I got up off the dusty couch and walked over and hugged him the best I could and kissed him on his cheek plating.

Not long after that Cade came back with Crosshairs.

"I found a possible way where we can get in." He said and pulled out his drone out of his bag and started to fix it and what looked like some modifications.

I walked over to him and sat in one of the chairs. "And that would be?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Would any of the bots be able to duplicate a ID tag?" He asked and I turned to look over at Bee.

I turned back around and smiled. "I'm sure Bee will help."


After a while of waiting we herd the rumble of engines. Soon Crosshairs and Drift came around the drove thought the opening. Tessa and Shane got out and around to make our way over to where me and Cade sat.

"What'd you get?" Cade asked, looking up from what he was working on. I took my feet off the table and sat up straight.

Tessa and Shane emptied the contents of their bags onto the table. Some of the stuff the layed on the table look important, while others like the mouthwash, not so much.

"Look, I said the essentials, ok?" Cade said sounding annoyed at his daughter.

I herd the set next to me scrape across the concrete floor. I turned to see Shane wearing sun glasses which made him look like an asshole.

"You brought mouth wash?" Cade asked, gleaming at the bottle of clear green liquid.

A slight smirk appeared on Shane face. " I like to be fresh when I'm making out with your daughter." He said and I groaned, knowing that Cade is going to make his life a living hell.

Cade looked pissed and then grabbed the bottle of mouth wash and threw it across the room. "Yeah, that's not happening. Ever."

"Tessa, just stop." I said and got up to sit where Sam and Bee where getting away from the Yeager family issues.

Not long after that Cade and Optimus left to get a photo or at lest a video of someones ID so we could get into KSI.

"Hey, what am I going to do while you and whats his name get into KSI?" Sam asked as he threw a peace of rubble across the room.

"Look after them." I said nodding to the two love birds sitting next to each other talking and laughing.

I turned back to Sam and laughed as he screwed up his face. "That what you liked like overtime you where in a relationship. Which was only twice." I said and he hit me on the arm.

"What happened to that chick that I hated." I asked and Sam sighed.

"Didn't work out. After what happened 5 years ago, I never was able to keep in contact with her." He mumbled and Bee let out a sad wine and played 'here comes the bride' which sounded a little depressing.

Sam turned around to Bee and gave him a sad smile. "Yeah I know bud. Things just happened."

Soon Cade came back and was able to get a photo of one of the employees ID card which then Bee was able to duplicate twice, one for me and the other for Cade.

"A couple times a day, these guys are moving in vehicle shipments into KSI for something called scanning." Cade started to explain once the ID's where done.

"Major security all over. So our best shot at getting in is a back classified research entrance. (Y/n) and I are gonna drive in with Bee tomorrow morning." He said and I nodded my head.

Soon night fell and everyone started to clam down and Tessa and Shane where on the couch together. I sighed knowing whats going to happen when Cade finally notices.

I sat at the table with my boots on when I started to get bored. I glance at where Bee was sitting looking bored and an Idea popped into my head.

"Hey Bee, remember what we used to do at our first NEST bace when we where bored or when things got a little dressing." I said and started to stand up.

I saw his wings perk up and he let out a happy wheer and stood up and played 'I wanna go' by Photronique. I let out a laugh and started to dance around, trying to lighten the mood for everyone.

I herd Tessa clap and I saw Sam shake his head while he laughed. It's been way to long since I was able to dance around and have fun with my beloved yellow and back bot.

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