On the run

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You know how I said "You probably won't see anything until the weekend." Well uh yeah its Thursday (It's 12:18pm so uh yeah) and I had the random inspiration to write so here we are :P I was gonna make you guys suffer but this chapter would probably do that ;)

It's been 5 years since the battle of Chicago.

5 years since I was fighting side by side with the Autobot's along with my brother Samuel Witwicky.

A lot has changed since then. We where attacked a few months after Optimus Prime defeated both Megatron and Sentinel Prime.

A privet group called "Cemetery Wind' attack us at NEST HQ, causing half of NEST agents to go into hiding along with the Autobot's. The other half, well I hope they are ok.

Bumblebee manage to get me and Sam out of there before we where able to get caught. We drove as far as we could away from Washington DC. But no matter where we went, they where able to find us.

We though we where going to be fine. That we could just hide it and wait until everything has calmed down. I wish that was what could of happened.

"Hey Bee. We should stop at the motel. We need to rest." I said as I saw a sign on the edge of the road saying that one was come up. I turned to Sam and saw that he was asleep.

"Thats a good idea." Bee said. Soon the old looking buildings came up on the horizon. Bee slowed down and pulled into the drive. Sam jumped awake as we went over one of the speed bumps.

"Where are we?" He asked sounding half asleep.

"Some place where we can hopefully get a brake. Wait here while I get us a room." I said and walked out and into the reception. There was no one at the desk so I rang the bell. I waited until a old looking woman walked out of the back room.

"Hello." She said giving me a small smile. "Uh hello. I was wondering if me and my brother could book a room for the night?" I asked.

Her smile never left her face as she nodded her head. "We sure do. We don't get that many visitors come around here. Especially ones with a car like you." She said looking behind me. I turned around to see how out of place Bee looked among the old buildings and the dirt roads.

I just laughed. "I bet." She then started to type away at her computer. She then turned around a grabbed one of the keys off the hooks and then handed it to me. "I'll grab my nephew. He'll show you where your room is and where you can park your nice car." She said and walked into the back room.

Instead of the old lady a man, probably a bit younger then me walked out. He then nodded his head indicating me to follow him. As we walked out the door he paused and looked at Bee. "Thats a nice car you got there." He said and gave me a suspicious look and then carried on.

I saw Sam look at me in concern and I gave him the signal to lay low and wait. I followed the man to one of the rooms. He then turned around to me and gave me a smile though I did not like how it looked.

"You can park you car outside." He said and then walked away but before he walked back inside he gave Bee one last looked before he disappeared. I walked back over to Bee and hopped into the drivers seat and dove over to where our room was.

"I don't like this place. But we don't have a choice. Everyone needs at lest one good night sleep." I said. I was about to hop out but I stopped. "That means you Bee. Get some rest. We don't want you tired." I said and patted the steering wheel.

Soon me and Sam got settled into our room. I stared out the window and watched the sun as it started to set. As we where about to settle down for the night I herd chatter come from outside. I grabbed my gun from out of the back of my jeans and cocked it.

I slowly started to walk to the window and peaked behind the curtains. My eyes widened when I saw men dressed in black and had guns start to surround us. "Whats wrong?" Sam asked from behind me and I turned around and put my jun back into my jeans. "They found us we have to leave." I said.

I stood by the window and kept an eye on the armed men. 'I knew that man knew who we where.' I thought when I saw him talking to a guy I recognised from 5 years ago. He then pointed to our direction. I quickly pulled away from the window and grabbed Sam's arm. 

"We need to leave." I said and started to pull him to the bathroom. I opened the window and jumped out it first. Sam soon followed me. "Hey!" I herd someone yell and I turned around to see one of the guys pointing his gun at us. "Run!" I yelled and shoved Sam so he would start running.

I herd a car engine and soon Bee Skidded around the corner. The door opened and I threw Sam into the car and continued on running, knowing I didn't have enough time to jump in myself. "Bee get Sam out of here! Make sure he gets some where safe!" I yelled and started to run in the opposite direction. I herd his engine get further away. 

I then jumped into a ditch and crawled under the small bridge. I held my breath as I herd yelling and car engines coming my way and luckily they all by passed me. I waited for possibly half an hour before I finally crawled out of my spot.

It was hard to see as it was dark and there where no lights around apart from the faint glow from the motel.

I crawled back under the bridge and that was where I spent my night.


When morning came around I crawled out of the place I was hiding and looked around. In the distance I saw the haze of a town. I guess thats a good place to start. I just hope that both Bee and Sam are safe. I don't know what I would do if I had lost any of them.

After a very long walk and after getting sunburnt I finally made it to the town. It was mostly deserted but there where a few people who where walking about. My feet where killing me to I stopped and sat down on the curb with a groan and put my head on my knee dan my arms over my head to stop the sun from burning me more.

"Hey, are you alright?" I herd a voice come from behind me. I looked up to see a man who had the look of concern written on his face. "Oh wow. It looked like you've been out in the sun to long." He said and sat down next to me.

"I sorta have. I got dumped on the side of the road and the assholes I used to call friends stole my car. I walked for probably an hour from where I was dumped. " I lied. I couldn't tell him what really happened as I was tired and sore from where I slept and could not be bothered to deal with 'Cemetery Wind' again.

"If you want, I can talk you back to my farm and we can get you cleaned up." He said and I raised my eye brow at him.

"Oh sorry. I'm Cade Yeager." He said and held out his hand. I looked at it and smiled.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you." I said and shook his hand.

Age of Extinction (Bumblebee x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum