Arriving in Hong Kong

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I have some good news and some bad news. The good news, as you can see I updated  cause the mouse is gone and I have my room back! (Little bugger, slipped under my door and escaped out the bathroom window which I sorta left open. Whoops). The bad news is this book is almost finish. Probably one more chapter and then boom, book 4 is finished.

Now do you guys want me to do The Last Knight?

Even though we where in a hight tech spaceship, it was still going to take us a while before we reach Hong Kong.

Bee was some where on the ship, avoiding me. Every time I would find him, he would turn the other way. 

As I walk down the hall looking for Cade or Sam, I saw Bee's back not far from where I was.

I quickly walked over to him and tapped his leg.

He looked down and his electric blue optics widened. 

Bee you can't keep hind from me. Whats the matter?" I asked, felling heart broken from being ignored.

Bee let out a sad whine and knelt down to my hight. "I have to leave." he said, taking a clip from what sounds like an old movie as crackled a bit.

I gave him a sad smile and walked up to his face. "I know, but wouldn't you want to spend the last few moments together rather then ignoring each other?" I whispered as I put my forehead against his and looked into his big optics.

He looked down slightly and Lew out another sad whine. 

He then pulled back and held out his had.

I smiled and stepped on, holding onto his thumb as I was lifted up when he stood up. 

"See this is better then being a lone, huh?" I asked and Bee let out a laugh.

I smiled, hoping this wasn't the last time I would see him.


"We're here!" Hound yelled as he started to lower the ship to one of the building, which I'm guessing Joshua was.

We all ran to the back of the ship and waited for it to open.

"Joshua!" Cade yelled as soon as we saw the man standing on the roof with a large black bag.

"Over here! Hurry before they get here!" I yelled as held out my arm while Bee held onto my arm, making sure I didn't fall off the ramp.

I looked around, making sure that Glavatron was near by as it was to quiet.

As he started to make his way over to us until Hound some up. "Looks like we might have company."

I looked away from Joshua in time to see missiles fly towards us. "Get down!" I yelled.

As they hit the ship, I felt Bee's hand let got, causing me to fall forwards on onto he roof that Joshua was standing.

I coughed at the impact and looked up tot see the ship attempt to fly away and then crash.

"We should get moving. They found us." I said and got up, hissing as I felt my gash from earlier open up.

I looked down at it and saw blood start to ooze from it. I brushed it off and started to push Joshua forward.

"I count ten below." Hound said as he recovered from the fall, with Bee standing by his side.

I groaned and looked over the side and saw mutipul bots running in our direction.

"I thought you said you had one prototype get infected." Cade said as he walked angrily over to where Joshua stood.

"Now he's got operational control of my other fifty." He mumbled, loud enough for everyone to hear.

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