Reunited at last

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From the title and the photo you can probably guess what happens in this chapter ;) Though there is a little bit at the start where the reader gets all depressed and stuff but eh, everything turns out fine

Everyone was quiet as Optimus drove down the deserted road in the middle of no where. Tessa looked heart broken.

"Lucas...we just left him." She finally said sounding upset.

I looked away from the window and looked over to her. "There was nothing we could do. I wish I was able to do something though." I said and went back to looking at the orange landscape as we drove by.

After a while longer Optimus pulled up to an abandoned gas station and stopped. We all got out, looking around until Optimus suddenly transformed behind us and punched the ground, causing everyone to jump.

"My deepest sympathies for the loss of your friend. Stay here till I'm sure we weren't followed. We are all targets now." He said to all of us and then looked directly at me.

"Make sure no one else dies today." He finished and then transformed and drove off.

I sighed and kicked a stone that was near my foot and yelled. "I should of made sure that he was out before we started to run." I said though gritted teach.

I heard footsteps walk over to where I was standing."(Y/n), there was nothing you could do." Cade said as he stood in front of me.

"No Cade, I could of made sure everyone was out of the car." I growled at him and walked inside the gas station and sat down in one of the old chairs, causing it to creak. I saw a duty rubix cube lying on the table so I picked it up and just played around with it.

Not long after I sat down, Cade, Tessa and Shane walked in and sat in various parts of the building.

Tessa started to play with the lights while Cade glared at Shane.

"Well, bright side, you guys met." Tess said, trying to lighten the mood, but failing.

"Where is he from?" Cade asked looking towards Tessa.

I stoped what I was doing and looked up at Tessa.

"I told you, he's a driver from Texas." She said and went back to playing with the lights.

I snorted. Before I could say anything, Cade spoke up. "Texas? Where, Dublin, Texas? Shamrock, Texas? So why does he sound like a leprechaun?"

"Oh wow." I mumbled, trying to stop myself from laughing. I put down the rubies cube and crossed my arms, knowing that this was going to be a lot more interesting then solving an impossible cube.

Shane gave Cade a glare before saying "You'd get your ass kicked in Ireland for saying that."

I sat up properly and put my elbows on my knees with my shin rising on my hands.

"Well, we're not in Ireland, Lucky Charms, we're in Texas." Cade said sounding like he could kill him at any moment.

"Well," I said and stood up. "I would like to watch as you boys argue, but I need some quiet." I said and walked out of the building and walked away and found a rock to sit on watching the sun set.

I put my head on my knees and for the first time in 5 years, tears started to fall down my face. For the first time in so long, it felt like I wasn't able to do anything.

"I just want everything to be back to normal." I mumbled to myself as I looked at the horizon. My mind went back to Bee, causing more tears to fall down my face. "Please be safe." I chocked out.

After a while the sun finally disappeared behind the horizon and the stars came out. It started to get colder. I got up and rubbed the dried tears away before I walked back inside.

When I walked in Tessa was sleeping, Shane was doing his own thing, and Cade was tinkering with a drone like dragonfly.

"Would you like some help with that?" I asked as I pulled up a chair next to him.

Cade stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

"Sure." He said giving me the body while he hooked up the head to the small TV. Not long after he hooked up the wires a picture appear on screen.

It was a video of Cemetery Wind, shooting at Leadfoot. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. "They will pay." I said, putting down the drone's body. "We should all get some sleep. We have to move when the sun is up." I said and Cade nodded his head while Shane gave me a look.


When the sun was up we quickly found things around the gas station that would help us and waited outside for Optimus.

Soon he came around the corner and we got in and where one again on the road. "I have a felling that they have locked my accounts which could be one way that they could fund us." Cade said as he looked out the windshield.

"Why don't we cheek." I said and Cade nodded his head.

We stopped across the road from a place called 'Hole in the rock'. We all got out and Cade set up his computer and the drone. He pulled out his credit card and wrote, 'I will find u!' on the back in sharpie.

He flew the drone holding his card over to the ATM machine and put his card in. Cade was right, his bank account was locked and not long after, the police surround the small shop.

"We should go before they find out where we are." I said and helped Cade pack up his stuff.

We where driving along the road once again when Optimus' voice came though his radio saying "Calling all Autobots. Calling all Autobots." I sat up in my set and looked up at the radio and then around at the desert around us.

As we passed a white Semi truck, things started to shift around us and the paint pealed off, showing Optimus' blue with red paint job underneath.

"That is always so cool." I said with a smile on my face as Cade, Tessa looked around confused while Shane was yelling about how awesome that was.

Optimus turned off the main road and started to drive down a dirt one. We turned around the corner as there was a green and back bot with what looked like a trench coat running along side us.

"Mr. Leader of the Free Galaxy is back. I knew you'd make it, I never doubted." He said and soon a helicopter transformed into a blue and back bot that had a samurai look.

I smiled at them and then opened the door and jumped out.

I looked up at them looked over to the side when I herd a another pare of heavy footsteps walking in our direction.

My eyes widened when I was a familiar yellow and black bot appear over the ridge. "Bumblebee." I whispered and started to walk in his direction and then broke into a sprint.

"Bumblebee!" I yelled and I saw his electric blue optic widen before he knelt down and held out his head. I ran onto it and he lifted me up to his face.

I rapped my arms around his neck as I felt tears run down my face. "I'm so glad you ok." I choked out with a smile still on my face.

I pulled away and looked into his optics. He let out a happy whir causing my smile to get bigger if possible.

"I'm also glad your safe." He said still picking out bits from the radio and movies. 

With my smile never leaving my face I let in and kissed him on his cheek plating. "I missed you so much."

Age of Extinction (Bumblebee x reader)Where stories live. Discover now