Lockdowns ship

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Once again I'm a day late with updating. I was sorting stuff out for filming tomorrow and I was playing Titanfall 2 XD Also this chapter is crap cause i'v been writing it late at night when I'm tired so ehhhhhhhhhh. On another note I swear it's actually Bumblebee following me. I always see this Yellow Camaro with black racing strips like Bee everywhere when I'm around town. Like what. Like it doesn't actually follow me, I just see it at random times.

Tessa sat in one of the seats hugger her knees mean while I was looking at how bad the gash was on my arm.

I cringed when when I saw bits of dirt and small bits of rubble. I took off my now destroyed jacket and ripped off a bit of fabric. I hissed when I managed to get one of the bigger pebbles out.

"Are you going to be alright?" I herd Tessa mumble. I looked up at her and gave her a small smile.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." I said as tied the fabric from my (f/c) jacket. I looked up at her and pulled her into a hug once again. "I'll get us to safety. I promise." 

The car that we where in jolted and fell to the sides, causing me and Tessa to fall onto the car doors.

I looked out the ski rough and saw Optimus start to be dragged away. Soon the car that we where in also started to move, but in the opposite direction.

"Where are they taking us?" Tessa said as she looked out the window as well. "Since we're on Lockdown's ship, no where good." I mumbled.

After a while of being dragged down the metal hallways we came to a room that had scraps of metal and fire. I felt Tessa grip my door arm and held on. The car jolted and wash pushed up right.

I carefully opened the door and came face to face with a thing. I tilted my head at it confused. It then opened its little rough and scream at us. My eyes widened and pushed Tessa back. "Out the other door!" I yelled as I kicked the think in the 'face'.

I managed to make my way out and and pushed Tessa behind me. "Come on." I said and grabbed her arm once those little things weren't their.

We both ran out of the fire pit and down the large hallway. "We have to find Optimus." Tessa said as we sweated out way though a area that would be to small for a 'con to get to us.

"I know. We just have to find him and not get our selfs killed." I mumbled as we continued to walk though the dark hall.

Soon we managed to find our way out of the dark labyrinth of corridors and found our way outside. I blinked a couple times and looked around. "Where would they be keeping Optimus?" Tessa asked as she looked around the large ship.

I looked around, not seeing any possible area's. As we continued the walk, the sound of a helicopter could be herd.

I looked off to where the sound came from. I grabbed Tessa's hand and walked over to where we could see what was happing.

Lockdown was standing on the platform as a black helicopter landed on the platform. I wasn't able to see who walked out of it, but I had a felling I knew who it was.

"Come on, lets get closer, but stay quiet." I said and started to walk slowly so I could hear what they where saying.

"What? No! You'll get killed." Tessa said as she pulled my bad arm. I hissed and looked back at her. 

"Tessa, we have to find out what their planning. Anything with Lockdown involved is bad news." I as as I looked at her.

She didn't say anything but she did give me a small nod. As we started to walk closer we could hear the conversation better.

"Much as I've enjoyed the hunt, I won't miss your wretched planet. Our deal is done. One Prime for one Seed." Lockdown said as Savoy's men bagged a large object and put it into he helicopter. 

"Handle it with care. I trust your species is ready." Lockdown said, not sounding at all interested in wither or not humans are ready for that thing.

"Don't worry about our species." Was the Last thing Savoy said as he climbed into the helicopter.

I slowly started to back away. "Come on." I said. Tessa followed close behind, not straying to far from me.

As we where once again walking though the dark hallways, the ship jolted. "What was that?" Tessa asked and looked around with a worried expression. 

"I think we're about to take off." I said as I turned towards Tessa with wide eyes. We both started to walk faster down the large hallways.

I kept a look out behind us while Tessa kept in front. I bumped into her as I was walking backwards and she grabbed my arm and pointed in the direction in front of us.

I looked at her confused until I saw what made her stop. Four things that looked like wolfs where standing at the end of the hallway we where walking down.

"(Y/N)." Tessa said nervously and started to back away.

I did the same. As I took one step back, the 'wolfs' started to run at us. My eyes widened, so a grabbed Tessa's hand and started to run in the opposite direction.

"Tessa don't look back!" I yelled when I saw her looking behind us. I looked forward and continued to run.

I turned around the corner and sweated myself in between the gap to get away from the metal wolfs. As I was catching my breath, I realised Tessa wasn't with me.

I started to panic. "Tessa!" I yelled.

I waited for a bit, waiting for a response but herd nothing. I didn't want to go back out into the hall as I could be spotted again, but I also need to make sure that she was alright.

I sighed and continued to walk down the long narrow hall I was in, and continued to make my away though the labyrinth.

As I was walking I herd a noice behind me and a red light. I looked behind me to see a ball that looked like it was scanning the area. I started to jog to get away from the thing.

I soon found myself in the main hall that had no where for me to hide. As I did I herd guns firing in the distance. I was worried that they had found Tessa until I herd a I Irish access yell "I surrender! I surrender! I surrender!"

I started to run, once it clicked that it was Shane yelling. 

"Cade!" I yelled, which was a bad Idea when the large bot's looked in my direction and started to fire. I quickly ducked out of the way and hit behind a pillar.

"(Y/n), where's Tessa?" Cade yelled over the sound of gun fire.

I covered my head as bit of metal flew in my direction. "I lost her when we where being chased." I yelled back and made a run towards where Shane and Cade where hiding.

"You what!" Cade yelled at me and I looked at the large knife in his hand. 

"Whats that?" I asked. He pressed a button and fired.

He looked stunned for a second before he turned and glared at me. "When this is over, we're have a long talk." He said and handed me another one.

He looked over the place we where hided and started to shoot.

I looked at the weapon in my hands and started to fire at the bot's as well.

Soon the bots where dead and those little things before ran away. I looked down at the gun knife. "Man, why are all Cybertoian gun better then our own." I mumbled.

"Now that is over, where is Tessa?" Cade asked, looking fed up with everything at this moment.

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