The final battle

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LAST CHAPTER! I was gonna spit in two but was like nahhhhhh so heres the last chapter of AoE. It's a little late cause we had a power cut yesterday cause we where having pretty nasty weather. (I literally could not walk in the wind when I was going to see 'Thor: Ragnarok' which is an amazing movie btw) So here's you're 3191 word chapter (So long bleh). Also I'v finished Uni for the year woop woop! Three and a half months off now yay!

Also like always I'll put up another chapter saying when the next book is up.

We started to walk down the chaotic street and tried to make an attempt at staying away from the open.

As we did we started to be fired at, causing brick and concrete to fly every where. "Over here!" I yelled over the noise of people screaming.

We all ran for cover and hit behind the already half destroyed brick wall. "This is great." I mumbled and started to fire at the prototypes that Bee or Hound hadn't gotten to yet.

"Stay behind me! I'm covering you! If I stop covering you, it means I'm dead. But that ain't gonna happen." Hound said as he walked over to where we where hiding.

I gave him dead pan look. "Well that reassuring." I said and continued to shoot.

"Come on! We gotta move now!" Cade said as he covered his head from bits of rubble flying everywhere. We got out from our spot and started to make our way to hopefully somewhere where there was more cover.

We managed to get over to where Bee was standing behind a filler and waited for him to give us covering fire.

We we saw an opening, I grabbed Sam's arm and started to follow where Cade started running to. I skidding on the flood, trying to get out of the way of shots that where fired in our direction.

"Oh, this is the perfect place to hide. A big glass box! Nobody will ever find us here! That's...!" Joshua shouted and started to throw a Chinese game that was sitting on the table.

I got up off the ground and walked over to Joshua and grabbed his sholders. "Look this is not the time to start complaining. There are not safe places for us to hide so this is out best bet." I said as I glared at him.

He looked at me wide eyed but did say anything.

"Now stay down and shut up." I said and he nodded his head and backed away.

"We're getting boxed in! We're getting flanked everywhere!" I herd Hound yell from outside. I looked over to see more prototypes coming from every angle.

"They just don't know when to give up don't they." I mumbled and opened up one of the windows so I could get a clear shot.

I was about to shoot when I saw one of the prototypes aim in out direction before firing. "Everyone get down!" I yelled and dived on to the floor and covered my head as gas started to rain all around us.

"Why can't I just have a normal life." I mumbled as I stood up and started to shoot at the prototypes that I could see.

Out of the corner of my eye I was a flash of Yellow and turned to see Bee, doing his best to keep the prototypes away from where we where hiding.

A smile appeared on my face. Though though the years of fighting side by side with Bumblebee and the rest of the Autobots, I wouldn't want it any other way.

I looked away from Bee and shot one of the prototypes that got to close to him. He turned in my direction and I gave him a small smile before I looked away and started to shoot again.

As the battle continued, there was a loud thump behind me. I turned around to see a large grenade sitting in the middle of the floor.

"Pull the pin!" Hound yelled as he couched down to the window of the shot he was hiding in.

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