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Hey! So here's chapter two :) Ok so heres what happening. On Wednesday I got green lit, meaning that the music student that I had an idea for a music video for there song has given me the ok to make it! Which means a lot of work from this point until October-November *sigh* So expect slow updates. Anyway a couple of weeks ago I decided to give (Y/n) official ages for each book according to how many years each movie is set after each other: Book 1: 20, Book 2: 22, Book 3: 25 and Book 4: 30. In short the reader is old but she will still kick anyones ass XD

After Cade introduced himself, I agreed to go back with him knowing with the way I looked and with no money, I would not be able to find another place to stay. I just hope that going with Cade doesn't put him into harms way.

I don't need to put more innocent people a risk.

I sat in Cade's truck, waiting for him to grab couple of things before we can leave. I pulled out my cracked and now dead phone with a sighed. I found a small paper clip lying in the truck and used it to take out out the SIM card in my phone.

I looked a the little peace of plastic and snapped it in half. I jumped out of the truck with a groan and stiffly walked over to the closets bin and threw my phone in it.

Not long after I got back into the truck I herd a loud thud. Soon Cade jumped into the drivers seat and looked at me with a smile. "Alright, lets go."


It's been a couple of months since Cade found me sitting on the curb, heavily sunburnt and exhausted from running from Cemetery Wind.

In those couple of months Cade had let me stay and help with his inventions to help make money so him and his daughter Tessa, can keep the house.

I also have not seen or herd anything from both Bee and Sam since I told them to run. I try to stay off any social media platform knowing that could be one of the ways they can hunt me down.

I was lost in my thoughts as music played softly in the background as I tinkered with one of the projects Cade is having me work on. My boots sitting on top the of the work bench that was covered in gears and scraps of metal.

I herd the door to the barn open and then close with a thud. I saw Cade start to walk over to where he kept his took box. "Out to look for more part?" I asked and I took my feet off the bench, put down what I was working on and stood up.

"Yeah. The guy who own the old theatre is allowing us to take the old projectors." He said as he grabbed his tool belt and a bag that had tools that he might need.

"I can help. You never know if your 'employee' is actually going to turn up or not." I said as I wiped my hands on a rag to get the oil and grease off them.

He laughed and looked up at me. "That is true. If you coming along, grab the trolly and put it into the back of the truck." He said and and walked out again with me following.

Soon we where in town and pulled up to the old theatre and parked. As I hopped out of the truck, I herd loud off key singing. I sighed knowing that it was Cade's 'employee', Lucas. I turned around to see him almost get hit by a car. I shook my head and grabbed Cade's tool belt and bag and walked over to him.

"Hey, you're paying me on this one, right, Cade? Please tell me I'm getting paid." Lucas said as he finally walked over to where we where. "You always want money." I mumbled and he looked over to me.

"Why is she still here? I thought you where going to kick her out once she was back on her feet. Though I'm not really complaining." He said as he looked at me up and down. I rolled my eyes and handed Cade his belt.

"At lest she helps me with my work and doesn't ask for money. Anyway, you got any cash?" Cade asked and Lucas looked at him with a confused expression. "Yeah?"

"Alright, good." Cade said and started to walk to the theatre with me following close behind. We saw a guy leaning against a car and walked up to him.

"Hey, Lucas Flannery." Lucas said and took the guys had and had a very awakened hand shake. After that awkward moment he got up and walked to the entrance with the three of us close behind.

"Place has been in the family since '28. Granddaddy ran it all his life. Ain't that right, Grand daddy? Real soon he's gonna sign it over to me." The grand son of the man who owned the theatre said.

I looked around the place, seeing the paint pealing off the walls, old movie posters and boxes all over the place.

"The movies nowadays, that's the trouble. Sequels and remakes, bunch of crap." The man who owned the place said as he looked over to the posters lying around.

"He's deaf and senile." The man who we met outside whispered as we walked along. I raised my eye brow at him and then herd the owner say "Heard that."

I snorted and carried on walking.

We where then taken up to the projection booth, that was covered in layers of dust and old film reals played on the shelf and the ground.

"Now these just need some spit and polish. I believe they're digital, possibly IMAX." The grand son said with a smile. I took one glance at them and shook my head. "They aren't actually." I said as I looked over the projector.

"Mister, we'll have a look around if you want to leave us to it, okay?" Cade said as he walked up to him and I looked away from the projector and over to Cade and smiled. With the short amount of time that I have known him, I knew he doesn't like it when people don't leave him alone to work, apart from Tessa.

After some bargaining, Cade was able to get the grandson to leave us alone as we looked around. "Come on (Y/n), lets head down stairs." Cade said and walked out of the dusty room followed by me and Lucas.

The three of us started to walk though the theatre while looking at the stuff that way laying about. started to look through some of the boxes that there sitting on the seats, when I heard Cade shout heads, which was then followed by a loud crash and a groan.

I turned around to see Lucas lying among old film reals. I started to slow clap and shake my head. "Wow. Amazing catch dude."

I then turned back around to look though another one of the boxes until I herd glass shattering. I looked over to Cade. "Hope they didn't need that." Cade sighed and walked over to the stage and climbed up and disappeared behind one of the old sets.

I herd a loud clanging sound but though nothing of it. Soon Cade came back into our view and looked over to the grand son. "Hey, Snakeballs. How much for the truck?"

I stopped what I was doing and looked up at Cade. What was a truck doing in an old theatre?

After the landlords grandson got over the confusion of the truck, he finally sold it to us along with one of the projectors.

We managed to get the busted truck out the back of the theatre. The whole time I just stared at the truck. It looked familiar some how. "Is something wrong?" Cade asked as he stood next to me once we finally got it hooked up to the tow truck.

"I don't know. I just though it looked familiar." I said with a shrugged. "Anyway. We should get back to the farm. Tess should be home soon." I said as I looked at my watch.

Me and Cade jumped back into his truck while Lucas jumped into his mini. The tow truck driver followed us as we started to drive back to the Yeager's farm.

As we where driving along I kept an eye on the old, busted truck behind towed behind us. I still can't think as to why it looks so familiar.

Age of Extinction (Bumblebee x reader)Where stories live. Discover now