Story I Wrote in 6th Grade

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(Yes that picture is a baby Giana, not sure if it was sixth grade it might have been older but yeah)
So I'm probably not going to be able to update tonight so I decided to post this really depressing story I wrote in sixth grade (like 6 years ago). I remember writing this on paper and then our class going down to the computer lab and having to retype the whole thing on like Microsoft Word😂 Once we became more technologically advanced, my school transferred everything off of our H drives into our brand new google accounts so that's how I now have this. So yeah, enjoy. And remember, I was in sixth grade, so don't judge to much, I haven't modified this at all.

    "No, no, no, no, no, no!" Tears strolled down Emma's drooped face. "No, no, no!" She thought as she rubbed his arm over his Spiderman pajamas.
        She studied the wheelchair and crutches. "Why? Why does this happen  to him?" Emma thought. Emma's little brother had just been hit by an oncoming vehicle. At least, that's how the doctor put it.
"Five years old, pretty young." Dr. Bradley announced as he scribbled something down on the black clipboard. "It was a pretty close call." He shoved his silver, tarnished stethoscope into his long, white lab coat.
        At that very moment, a lady with deep, dark black lines under her eyes walked in. She looked like a homeless person in a white, lab coat. Her black sneakers clicked a button on Tommy's bed to take off the brakes. She clicked the button so loud, it woke Tommy up from his nap. The doctor gripped his hands, and spoke between clenched teeth.
        "He needs to sleep. Take him to a more comfortable room." Dr. Bradley was furious. "Now!" The nurse scrambled off with Tommy and his bed charging through the hospital halls. Tommy's eyes were wide open peering over the back of the bed watching Emma and his mom running after and screaming.
        "Watch out! Be careful! If you hurt him again, I will sue!" The nurse turned around for a millisecond, and "Boom!" There was a shriek, and a glass shattered.
   Emma thought the shriek was Tommy, so she scurried over only to find the nurse on the floor and Tommy safe in his bed. The nurse on the other hand, was not.
        Flash Forward to later in the day, the nurse had broke her leg, and Tommy was put back in his old room. That was about an hour ago. Now, Emma and her mom were driving home to get some long lost sleep.
        All night, Emma could not stop thinking about the activities her and Tommy used to do together. They would play tag in the backyard, and jump in the pool at the same exact time. They would also play basketball... in the road... where and why Tommy got hit. She remembered it like it was yesterday, which it was. They were bouncing the basketball, and Emma had just passed the ball to Tommy. He was focusing on shooting the basketball into the basket. A big, black van started coming up the street. A lady with a bright pink t-shirt on was driving it... while texting. Emma ran out of the way screaming, "Tommy! Watch out! Tommy!" She said it repeatedly, he didn't hear her. Ambulances, screaming, crying, walkie-talkies, and sirens. To this day, Emma still believes it was her fault. Charges were pressed against the lady driving the van.
Suddenly, "Ring! Ring!" It was 12p.m. and the rings awakened Emma from her thoughts. "Ring! Ring!" She didn't answer; she knew it was the hospital. By the time the rings stopped, they filled the air like tiny little fruit flies over a dirty sink.
Emma awoke to sniffles echoing in her ear. She expected to smell butter and pancakes, but she didn't. Longing for her mother's famous turkey bacon, she quickly crawled out of bed. Something didn't feel right. Curiously, she poked her head around the kitchen corner. She found her mother, standing by the sink, her hand leaning on the counter. Her eyes were glassy, and moist. Her pink, wrinkled sweatshirt sagged around her body and those jeans she was wearing were worn out and ripped, and her hair! Her hair tangled and knotted, hung into her slumped pale face as she held the dark black phone to her ear. Her nose was red and black mascara stained her face.
Emma knew. She knew her mom was going to sit her down as butterflies fluttered in her stomach and tell her Tommy had died. But she didn't. Not a single word came out of her mouth until lunch. "Emma." Her mom spoke to her. Emma hesitated to say it but she had to.
"I know mom! I know!" Emma was practically screaming. "I know he's dead!" She flew upstairs into Tommy's bedroom. Her mom raced behind her and sat down on Tommy's bed.
"Honey, your brother is not dead." Emma poked her eye out from under her hands as her mom spoke. "The hospital called to say he wasn't doing well, but he's not dead. We're going to visit him now, c'mon." She pulled Emma up and gave her a hug and a kiss.
Slowly, they walked into the sadness filled hospital. Emma's face was stained red with tears and wouldn't go away no matter how hard she rubbed her blood-shot eyes. They opened the door to Tommy's room. No one was there, not even Tommy. Her mom rushed over to the nurse and demanded, "Where's my son?" The nurse didn't speak, just gave Emma's mom a hug and lead her and Emma to an unusual room. Emma was relieved to see Tommy on a bed, with a white blanket over him. She went over and hugged him, but he didn't wake up. His eyes were shut tightly. He felt cold. "He needs another blanket, nurse." Emma said.
The nurse didn't budge, just looked at Emma. Her mom's eyes were stained with mascara again. "He's okay, ri-" The sight of Tommy's stomach stopped her sentence from continuing. It wasn't moving. She waited a second, nothing. A half a minute passed, nothing. He was ghost white, almost gray. "Emma, you were right." Her mom announced.
"Yes, sweetie."
Emma looked around, clenching her head, bent over. The sadness was taking over. Her heart ached, and she felt like she was having a heart attack. She slumped to the ground. Moping, she walked over to Tommy's nightstand. On it was a note that said, "Emma- Y.O.L.O. Love, Tommy." The handwriting was sloppy, since he had just been learning how to write. Emma shoved it into her hoodie pocket and walked away.
In the car ride home, Emma sat in the back seat. She pulled the note out of her pocket and read it over. "Emma- Y.O.L.O. Love, Tommy." She must have read it over twenty times. Finally, it clicked in her brain. Y.O.L.O. - You Only Live Once. She realized, she only lives once, and she needs to enjoy it.

Ahhh! Bad, ikr. But also super depressing. I was kinda fucked up as a child, and apparently my teacher didn't see this is a problem because I wasn't portrayed as suicidal until a few years later. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this story thing I guess. I'm sorry for not updating. As always,

Stay Strong,

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