Part 11

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Demi pulls the hood up over her head and I pull Dallas up off the floor. We walk out and Maddie gets up and follows us, staying silent. Dallas and Demi keep their heads down the whole time while we walk to the waiting room. We sit down and suddenly I hear this voice. It sounds like Maddie.

"Marissa... Marissa? Come on Marissa!"

Maddie's POV
Marissa passed out when we realized demi is there alone. And now we're at the hospital and she needs to wake up. "Dal, go check on Demi. Stay with her. I'll deal with Mar then I'll bring her inside." I tell Dallas and she hesitates but nods and leaves quickly. I hope Dem is okay.

Dallas' POV
I practically run into the hospital and look around for Demi. My heart rate slows slightly when I see her sitting in the same chair I left her in. But the nurse is gone. Great. I rush over to her. "Dems oh my god Demi" I say, tears forming in my eyes. I kneel in front of her and pull her sleeves up to check for new cuts. Nothing. I look into her eyes. She's broken. But she's not drunk. And she's not high. "Anything? D-Did you d-do anything?" I say, already crying.

Demi bites her lip and shakes her head no, tears fall down her eyes rapidly. I pull her up off the chair and sit on it then pull her into my lap. I can tell she tries to fight me, which scares me because I've told her so many times that she is small enough to sit on my lap. But she's too tired to continue fighting and just falls into me, both of us crying hysterically.

"I'm so proud of you." I tell Demi, my voice cracking in the middle of my sentence. She nods and continues crying. I let her continue without talking. We both need a good cry, her more than me. I look up just as Maddie and Marissa walk in. Maddie is practically dragging Marissa, who is sobbing hysterically. I look at Maddie confused and her gaze meets mine, but doesn't give me an answer.

When Marissa sees Demi she bolts towards us and pulls Demi off of my lap and into the chair next to us. She rolls up Demi's sleeves and starts sobbing again. "Oh thank god you're okay. You're okay." Marissa mumbles, pulling Demi into a strangling hug. I look at Maddie again, and she gets closer to me.

"When she passed out she had a dream, or nightmare I guess, where Dems r-relapsed really badly. She didn't believe me that it didn't happen until she saw it for herself." Maddie explains and I nod, watching Demi sob into Marissa's shoulder.

Marissa's POV:
It's been hours. Hours. And nothing has changed. After I calmed down from the whole Demi thing, I helped settle the girls. Demi hasn't talked much. She is just sitting in the chair, kind of lost in her own thoughts. On occasion I have to stop her from scratching at her wrist because she doesn't even realize she's doing it. Dallas cannot stop crying and neither can Maddie. But Dallas is silently crying, just letting the tears roll down her face, not wiping them, and not making any noise or drawing any attention to herself. Maddie on the other hand is sobbing. Right now she is trying to keep her sobs in but they keep slipping out. The only thing I can do is hold her.

The doctor finally walks over to us. He has a sympathetic look on his face. We all look up at him. "You're the Lovato family, right?" He asks and we nod. He kneels down in front of us and grabs Demi's and Dallas' hand. "I'm deeply sorry to inform you but, your mother has unfortunately passed away." His words are like knives. And everything freezes.

I look over at Demi. She's grabbing her chest, and she looks like she can't breathe. "H-Help her p-please!" I tell the doctor and his attention focuses on Demi. "Ms. Lovato can you breathe?" He asks and Demi shakes her head no. "Does the left side of your chest hurt?" He asks and she shakes her head yes. He carefully pulls Demi up and yells out some medical term I don't know. We all stand up, worried about Demi, and watch the nurses place her in a stretcher and wheel her somewhere.

We're left there alone and in shock. Not only is Dianna dead, but Demi might be as well. Maddie runs to the counter sobbing. "What's wrong with my sister?! What's wrong with her? Where is she? Please!" She says and the nurse tries to calm her down but Dallas steps in and pulls her back. I stand frozen. What now?

We'll Make It (Sequel to Through it Together) - Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now