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Hi. So I know Demi's new single is out and I was so hyped for it today. But then i received some news from my amazing and strong boss. My friend had killed himself two nights ago at around 12:44 am. It's honestly hurting me so much. He was so amazing, he just finished his freshman year at Rutgers. I don't want to say his name so we'll call him M. For some backstory:

I volunteer at my local library every summer in this teen volunteer program. We run the library programs for the little kids. I first joined the volunteer group with a few of my other friends when I was in seventh grade. We were the youngest ones there because you had to be in at least seventh grade to join. M made my friends and I feel so included right away. He would talk with us and hang out with us and he was in high school, so we were so surprised that he actually wanted to talk to us. We really created a family in this volunteer program. No one in the program really cared about age, and we all just befriended each other. Even our boss was close to us. M was always so funny and so nice, he would give you a hug whenever you asked, and it kills me to think that I'll never feel his hugs again. His hugs were always special. We would always laugh because his back was so bony that when you hugged him it felt so cool but weird. He always cared though. He let me and my friend draw all over his math notebook with crayons one day because we were bored waiting for the program to start and he was doing his homework. Once you graduate high school, you're not allowed to be in the volunteer program anymore. So when M graduated we threw him a going away party. We were all upset that he wasn't going to be in the program next year but we were happy that he was going to a college he loved. He still stopped by every few meetings to see us and say hi. He still snap chatted us and texted us. And now he's gone.

I'm going to miss him so so so much. And I know everyone else in our little library family will too. He truly was a very special person. I can't get my head wrapped around the fact that he's actually gone. That I'll never see his smile, hear his laugh, or feel his hugs. I loved his hugs. I'll miss you so much and will never forget you. We all love you. I'm so sorry that you were hurting so bad that you felt this was the only option. I'm so sorry. I hope that you're at least happy now. We're having a library family get together tomorrow to talk about all our good times with you. I hope you come and listen. I miss you so much already💔❤️

We'll Make It (Sequel to Through it Together) - Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now