Part 29

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Dallas' POV
It was just like when we were kids. She was in pain and I could do nothing about it. But this time, she wasn't the only one. He whipped me repeatedly, my unconscious sister laying next to me, and my youngest sister watching. He never left, he hid out in the basement, making us all think that he was gone and we were safe. Boy were we wrong.

And now here I am, on the floor, with Demi about 10 feet away from me. Maddie is still tied up in a chair, her wrists and ankles are bleeding now. I can't move, I don't think I've ever been in so much pain. I hear a groan next to me and I look over to Demi, who seems like she is waking up. Once her eyes open they widen when she realizes her surroundings. She slowly gets up.

"Dem don't it'll hurt you too much!" I tell her. She got it the worst out of all of us. She just shakes her head.

"I'm used to it." Her raspy and quiet voice says as she winces.  She makes her way to Maddie and slowly unties her. "H-Help me with Dal" she says and Maddie nods.

They both come over to me and slowly lift me up. I grit my teeth in pain. Man this hurts. Once I'm on my feet, without thinking I place my hand on Demi's back to steady myself and she lets out a short whimper, her eyes tearing. I immediately pull away.

"I'm so sorry Dems!" I say and she just shakes her head and gently grabs my wrist, walking us out of the room into my room. When we get inside I gasp, there's blood everywhere, this is where that asshole hurt Demi the first time. Demi looks down and bites her lip.

Maddie turns on the bath for me and Demi helps me undress. She looks at me in the eyes. "This is going to hurt, your shirt is stuck to your skin." She tells me and I nod. She quickly takes my shirt off and I let out a scream. Beside me she lets out a quiet sob but just continues to help me into the bath.

Demi's POV
I help Dallas into the bath. I was in so much pain, but I'm slowly going numb. I push Maddie to sit onto the toilet lid and get the first aid kit. I gently clean her wrists and hold back a sob at the sight of all the cuts and scars on her arm. They're all my fault. I wrap and clean her wrists and ankles and tell her to watch Dallas and help her. She nods and I make my way to her room. One of the only two clean rooms left in the house.

I carefully lay down on the bed and cry. I just keep crying and crying. The pain on my back has turned to a light sting and to be honest my demons are too loud for me to even acknowledge the pain in my back and lower area. The flashbacks, the voices.

I can't do this anymore. I can't.

I'm so sorry that this is short and that I didn't post when I was supposed to. My dad was being his usual shitty self the past few nights so I haven't gotten the chance. It's like he flips a switch, he's fine one second, than the other he's the monster he turns into. I also have really bad sunburn on my back so when he came in contact with the sunburn it hurt so fucking bad. But anyway. As always,
Stay Strong,

We'll Make It (Sequel to Through it Together) - Demi LovatoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang