Part 9

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Dallas' POV

I watch Demi place her head in her hands as I walk away. I'm about turn back when I watch the sweet nurse place her hand on my little sister's shoulder comforting her. I smile to myself and walk to my car. I pull my hood over my head in an attempt to not be seen by the paps, and luckily, I'm not. I pull out my denim keychain with the keys to my car and unlock the car, slowly getting in and driving the minimum speed limit home. I'm not looking forward to telling Maddie and Marissa. 

I open the door to our house to screaming and laughing. Food is everywhere, mostly flour, and Maddie darts past me covered in flour, with an egg in her hand, in pursuit of a screaming Marissa. I'm completely ignored as I try to get both of their attentions. I scream everything I could to get their attention, and nothing. I think of something that will get them to stop, because they both care about Demi more than their own lives. "DEMI IS EXTREMELY UPSET AND ALMOST RELAPSED." I scream and immediately both girls come to a stop.

"Fucking shit what do you mean?" Marissa says, fear clear in her voice.

"Is she okay? Why?" Maddie says, sounding nervous.

I sit down on the couch and sigh. "She'll be fine. I gotta tell you guys something. But please go clean up first, go take showers, then both of you meet me down here in half an hour. Demi's oka- she'll be okay eventually. She didn't relapse, don't worry." I say and Maddie and Mar walk upstairs to go shower and change their clothes. I walk into the kitchen and clean up the mess that was made in there then head into the living room and do the same. 

Once I'm done, 20 minutes of the 30 minutes have passed, so I sit on the couch and call the hospital to check on Demi. "Hi my name is Dallas Lovato, my sister is Demi Lovato. I left the hospital about 45 minutes ago to deal with family, and I asked a nurse to sit with Demi. I am just checking up on her." I say to the nurse and I hear shuffling in the phone and some distant talking until she comes back.

"Yes okay, so the nurse is still with her. She said that Demi did have a panic attack but when the nurse asked Demi if she wanted to call you she said no." The lady on the  phone says and I sigh.

"Okay thank you has she calmed down now?" I ask the lady.

"Um, seems like it." She says and I sigh of relief.

"Please put her on the phone. Thank you." I tell the lady and I hear shuffling on the phone and then I hear Demi's voice.

"Hey Dal." She says, sounding kind of shaken.

"Hey babygirl, are you okay? You had a panic attack? What happened?" I ask her, sounding worried.

"Dal, calm down, I'm okay. How are Maddie and Mar?" She asks and I begin to get angered.

"Demi, how are you? Don't worry about them!" I tell her and now she sounds angry.

"Dallas, I don't have anything on me. Don't you think if I did I would have done something already?!" She practically yells into the phone. I go silent for a moment and so does she.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Look Dems please just try to calm down. I haven't told Mar and Maddie yet. I'm telling them soon, then we'll head down. CALL ME next time if you need me. Stay strong, I love you." I tell her and I hear a small 'love you too' before hanging up.

Just then, Marissa walks down the stairs and sits next to me on the couch. We stay silent until Maddie comes down shortly after and sits down next to Marissa. I get up from my seat and sit on the ottoman so I could face them. They stay silent as I grab one of each of their hands. My eyes get slightly teary and I bite my lip.

"Mads, mom is in the hospital." I say first looking at Maddie then turning back to both of them. "She overdosed, purposely, and blamed Demi for it all. We-we don't really know her condition yet." I look at them. They both stay silent. Maddie looks more upset than Marissa, but that's understandable, as it is her mom. Marissa looked sort of angry.

"She blamed Demi?! Is Demi okay?" she asks, sounding extremely worried. I nod.

"Lets go to the hospital." I tell them and they both nod. We get in the car and begin to drive to the hospital when I get a phone call. I answer and put it on my hands-free thing on my car. "Hello?" I ask, kind of confused as the number wasn't one that I recognized.

"Hello, is this Dallas Lovato?" the man on the phone says.

"yes.." I say, still confused.

"We have called to alert you that your mother Dianna...."

Sorry for the cliffhanger, I'm too tired to write more. Thanks for reading and voting and commenting and everything. As always,

Stay Strong,

Giana <3

We'll Make It (Sequel to Through it Together) - Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now