Part 15

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Dallas' POV
"See how strong she is now!" Maddie calls out as she continues running. I can hear Marissa's footsteps quickly come up behind me followed by a gasp.

"Demi where the hel-" Marissa starts but I cut her off.

"Madison threw it to her. I'll take care of Dem go get Mad." I tell Marissa and she turns and looks at the figure running away slowly and starts after her. "Marissa!" I call out and she stops to look at me. "Stay strong please" I practically beg her and she nods, running off.

I turn back to a frazzled Demi. She's silent, staring at the piece of metal in her hand. I slowly take the hand that's not holding the blade and hold it in mine. I take my other hand and slowly take the enemy out of my sister's hand and she lets me take it willingly, a small whimper coming out of her mouth as I do so. "I'm proud of you babygirl, you're so strong." I say to her, carefully throwing the blade into the nearby lake without really thinking. I know that it wasn't a smart thing to do and it could injure whatever is in the lake but I have to get it far away from both Demi and me.

I take my broken but strong sister in my arms, keeping her as close to me as humanly possible. I can't ever lose her, I don't know what I'd do with myself. She doesn't talk, she just wraps herself around me, letting her tears fall freely once again. I slowly sit down on the concrete path and pull my little sister into my lap. She tenses at first, but calms and lets me run my fingers through her hair, something that could almost always calm her down.

Marissa comes back out of breath dragging a clearly angry and upset Maddie behind her. I swear I can see Demi's eyes turn red with hurt and anger at the sight of our youngest sister. I grit my teeth, speaking through them. "Madison De La Garza. Why in fucking hell would you give that to your sister? What the fuck is wrong with you?! Are you trying to make her fucking relapse?!" I scream at Maddie, 100% sure the people inside had heard me. I look at Marissa, she looks upset and angry and hurt. "Mar you okay?" I ask and she gives me a slight nod, biting her lip as her eyes dart from me to Demi then back.

I get up, Demi grasping onto my shirt, trying to keep me down. She looks at me with pleading eyes and I bend down to her ear. "Mar is gonna stay with you okay? Keep yourself and her strong for me okay? I'll be back in a little bit." I whisper to Demi and she nods, relaxing. Marissa quickly takes my place, pulling Demi into her arms as Demi does the same to Marissa.

I angrily and quickly grab Maddie's arm and she lets out a yelp. I loosen my grip and pull her off to a nearby tree, sitting down, her following suit. "Why?" I ask her, trying my hardest to contain my anger.

"You guys think she's so strong! Oh Demi Lovato, such a strong woman! Such a warrior! You think all of this but she's really not! I had to show you guys that!" She yells. I take a deep breath in trying my hardest not to flip out.

"Madison, trying to get your sister to relapse in order to prove a point is not okay at all. And even at that, you failed, because she didn't relapse, she was strong and didn't hurt herself. So whatever you're trying to prove isn't working." I say to her, standing up. "Lets go, I don't even want to look at you right now." I tell her and she follows me, we pass Marissa and Demi still sitting in the same spot and I motion for them to come with us to the car. We get in, Demi sitting in the front with me and Marissa and Madison in the back.

When we get home Demi makes her way straight to her room and Marissa follows her. "I'll make dinner." Maddie says and I slowly nod, heading up to my room also. The house is silent until dinner is finally ready and we head downstairs. Demi's pace slows as she realizes what Maddie had made for dinner. Pasta. A trigger food for Demi. I sigh, shooting a glare over to Maddie who smiles back at me.

"Dems you don't have t-" I start talking but I'm cut off by Demi.

"I'll be fine." She says to me through gritted teeth. I nod, and we all sit at the table.

Demi eats painfully slow, following each bite with a gulp of water. Once half of her plate is done, she stands up, walking to her room. I shoot Maddie yet another glare and rush after Demi. "Have fun!" Maddie says as I run down to Demi's room, anger filling me more and more by the minute.

I rush into Demi's room to find her laying on her bed, her face in her pillow. I lay down next to her, flipping her over gently and wrapping my arm around her waist. "You didn't did you?" I ask, afraid of the answer. She shakes her head no and relief floods me. "I'm so proud of you." I tell her and a small smile appears on her face before it quickly disappears. "Are they bad?" I ask her, meaning the voices in her head. She nods, and I sigh.

Maddie opens the door and both of our bodies tense. "26847" she says before closing the door and running down the hall. Is this girl trying to kill our sister?

Woah what's 26847? You'll have to wait till next chapter! Thank u as always for voting and commenting and reading! As always,
Stay Strong,

We'll Make It (Sequel to Through it Together) - Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now