Chapter 18- With my feelings on fire

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Selena's POV

I know what Justin meant when he said "he has something that I want" he meant me. He likes me, it has to. I know it's very hard to believe that someone like Justin Bieber would ever like me, but a girl can dream right? I have to admit that I really like him, my day is incomplete without him. Even though I hate him publicly, but privately I'm attracted to his every feature, everything about him it's mysterious and dangerous. He has this unique personality. I ached to hear those words from his mouth, that he likes me. My feelings were on fire I just needed to hear those words and then kiss him with all the passion I have for him.

Justin and I sat on a bench in the park waiting for Alfredo to come and give us a ride to his house, because Justin's car was parked in his garage and we we're going to clean the spray paint on his car. I swear I can't wait till his car is back to normal so I can be relieved and not feel guilty anymore.

"Just go I said I'll clean the car myself, I need some alone time." Justin spoke.

"No I said I'm helping you clean the car it's final stop keep telling me to go." As I spoke my phone beeped. It was Dylan saying that he's fine now and he made up an excuse instead of telling his parents what actually happened. I quickly replied back thanking him and apologising again on behalf of Justin.

"You don't have to apologise for me just tell the jerk Justin's not sorry. And why did you tell him to make up an excuse he could have just told his parents the truth I don't care."

"Stop it Justin! Stop acting like he deserved all of this, 'cause he didn't! If he was a jerk he would have told his parents the truth and then eventually you would have got suspended from school. How do you think your mom will react to that?"

"You don't have to worry about my mom nor me. Worry about him." I rolled my eyes at him. Why was he acting like that? It's so frustrating, I'm here trying to talk about our feelings and it doesn't look like that will happen if he continues with that attitude. We sat there in silence for a few minutes before I spoke up again.

"I'm so hungry I didn't even get to eat." I moaned. I saw a smile spread across Justin's face. Yes! That's a good sign. He looked at me and opened his mouth to speak but then he stopped and that smile faded.

"Should have told Dylan to buy you food." Are you fucking kidding me? He's still on about that, damn that must of really hurt him. He was about to say something cocky or cheesy before but then he remembered why I didn't get to eat the food, so his smile faded and he said this. Wow he never lets anything go does he?

"Justin please can we stop talking about him. And anyways I wanted to eat with you not him, I came to the mall with you and I only planned on hanging out with you." Maybe this will lighten him up. He looked at me and then sighed.

"Look...I'm sorry. I didn't want it to end like this, I wanted today to be a fun day for both of us. After shopping we were suppose to eat together and tell each other jokes and I was suppose to pretend your lame jokes were funny and fake a laugh and then we were suppose to walk through the park and talk about our dreams and hopes for the future. And then later we were suppose to go to Fredo's house and wash the car together and splash each other with water." Wow he really is the most cutest person ever. I'm glad he plans these cute moments because it really shows how much he cares and shows how he really is from the inside, exactly opposite of how he portrays himself from the outside.

"Aww you're so cute. But my jokes are not lame they're actually hilarious." I said and finally he smiled.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." You help me sleep at night, I only sleep so I can dream about you.

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