Chapter 17- Not to give it to you

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Selena's POV

Justin looked furious he didn't bother to greet anyone, he stomped up the stairs.

"Justin!" Pattie called but he didn't stop he went upstairs. She came rushing to the living room and looked really worried.

"What's up with him? Do you know what happened?" She asked me. I felt so guilty and disgusted with myself.

"" I replied.

"I think they lost the game. I'll check on him in a bit, let him cool down." She said and then went back to the kitchen.

My phone was upstairs in my room on charge, but I was too scared to go and get it, I didn't wanna run into Justin. I can't face him with this guilty face. He already looked angry and if he finds out it was me and my friends god knows what he will do and me out of all people know that he can cross the limit when he's angry.

After an hour or so Pattie called everyone for dinner even Justin, but obviously he didn't come down. I went to the kitchen to see if Pattie needed help.

"Can I help with anything?" I asked politely.

"I'm fine here, I'll set the table and can you please go and call Justin downstairs?" Hell no!

"I'll set the table, can you go and call Justin he's not in the mood right now and I don't wanna get him even more angry."

"Honey he won't say anything to you don't worry." She chuckled. "I'm busy preparing the food, by the time you call him I'll be done." She smiled and went back to taking something out of the oven. I guess there's no way out. I turned on my heel and walked upstairs towards Justin's room. I took a deep breath before knocking on his room door.

"Justin?" I called, but there was no reply. I waited for like 2 seconds and then knocked again, but still no reply. "Justin open the door." I said and then knocked again.

"What?!" The door swung open and he spoke in a harsh tone.

"Erm..your mom's calling you for dinner." I said.

"Tell her I'm not hungry." He responded.

"What's wrong? Did you guys lose the game?" I played dumb so he wouldn't suspect me.


"Then what's wrong?"

"Nothing you can leave now." He spoke bitterly. I didn't say anything I thought it was best to just leave him alone.

"Selena..wait." He said as soon as I took a few steps away from him. I turned around and looked at him.

"I'm sorry. I'm just in a bad mood."

"Oh..but why? If you don't mind me asking?" He was just about to speak when Pattie called us to come down.

"We'll talk after dinner." I said and he nodded. "Are you sure you're not hungry?" I asked him.

"I'm just not in the mood."

"Come on I'm sure your mom's cooking will change your mood." I smiled and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Fine." He followed behind me all the way downstairs and to the dinning table.

After we ate and helped Pattie to clear up the table, Pattie asked Justin what happened and he just said that he wasn't feeling well. Later we all went to our separate rooms and prepared for bed. I decided to go and talk to Justin, at least I can be there for him maybe that will make me feel a little better.

I knocked on his door twice before he opened it. He knew why I came because he didn't ask anything he just let me in and then closed the door behind us. I went over to his bed and sat down and he came and sat besides me.

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