Chapter 1

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Justin's POV

God i missed Canada. I haven't been here for years. It's my home, it's where i was born and had a family. But then our little family was completely broken and destroyed. My dad left us and ever since it's only been me, my little brother Jaxon, my little sister Jazzy and mom. When i was 12, we moved to LA to start a new life and to forget about our painful past. We created our own world in LA, we made so many amazing friends, who we called family. I made so many mistakes has i was growing up, but I've learnt my lessons. I fell in love and got my heart broken, but i guess that's part of life. I grew up in LA, it's where i graduated. I made many decisions that were wrong and now i have to live with them. But i'm proud to leave all that behind and move on and find happiness again.

Me and mom came to Canada for a vacation and to spend time with grandpa and grandma, i haven't seen them since me and mom left. I felt good to come back to my home country and meet my old friends, who i don't even recognise.

I woke up in the morning and decided to go out and check out the place. It's my second day in Canada and i haven't checked out the mall yet, so i got dressed and went out.

I opened Google maps and followed the directions

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I opened Google maps and followed the directions. 

As soon as i entered the mall i went straight to all my favourite clothes shops. I walked around in Urban outfitters trying to find something attractive, until i was destructed by a little girl crying in the corner. Who's kid is that? I walked up to her and kneeled down to reach her height. She was so adorable.

"Hey babygirl what's wrong?" I asked her.

" mammy." She said. Aww she was just so cute, which mother would be this careless?

"Awww don't worry i'll help you find your mammy." I said while hugging her.

"You will!" Her face lit up.

"Yes. I'm Justin, what's your name?"

"Emory." She said. Could this be a coincidence? Me and my ex-girlfriend talked once about what we would name our child and she said she would name it Emory.

"That's a very pretty name just like you." I said and she smiled. "Now come on lets find your mammy." I picked her up and we walked around the shop trying to find her mom.

"Is it that one?" I said.


"How does your mom look like?" I said to her.

"She looks like me."

"So she must be very pretty."

"There she is!!" She pointed at a young woman who was speed walking trying to look for something. I guess she realised her daughter was missing.

"Excuse me!" I said trying to get her attention, but it was no use.

"Mammy!!" Emory shouted and i put her down so she could run to her mom. She ran and i was right behind her. She hugged her mom's legs and her mom turned around and hugged her tight. I couldn't see her mom's face. I walked closer, so i could tell her to take care of her daughter and stop being so irresponsible. 

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