Chapter 9- Moving

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Justin's POV

What the actual fuck just happened to me? I kissed a girl and she didn't kiss me back. What the fuck that has never happened to me before. Who does she think she is? Fuck her. I walked over to my bed and laid down. I ran my hand through my hair and pulled the ends. I was furious. This bitch is gonna tell everyone that I kissed her and she didn't kiss me back. Ughhh I hate girls. Especially her.

I heard a knock on my room door.

"I'm not in the mood." I said. The door opened and someone came inside. "I said i'm-" I raised my voice, but i stopped when i saw my mom standing.

"What's wrong honey?" She looked worried. She came over and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Nothing I'm just tired." I covered my face with my hands.

"Are you sure? Because if it's something you can-"

"No mom it's nothing like I said I'm just tired."

"Okay sweetie just take a nap and if you wanna eat there's food in the fridge." She kissed my forehead and got up to leave. "I guess I have to set up the guest room myself then."

"Set up the guest room? What for?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Selena's parents are leaving for work tomorrow, so Selena has to move in and I need to set up the guest room for her. I was wondering if you could help me."

"What they leaving tomorrow? I thought they said in two weeks and it's only been a week." There's no way that bitch is moving to my house tomorrow.

"I know but something urgent came up and they have to leave straight away."

"It's not fair." I groaned. I can't stand her, she's the most annoying girl I've ever met.

"What do you mean it's not fair?" She furrowed her brow.

"Nothing." I simply said and with that she left the room.

Selena's POV

I'm about to explode. There's no way I'm moving to Justin's house tomorrow. Not after that awkward moment with him when he kissed me. I was pacing in my room, thinking of any excuse which will convince my parents to not make me move to Justin's house.

"Selena!" I heard my mom yell. I turned around and saw her standing with her arms crossed over her chest.

"What are you doing? Have you finished packing yet? We're leaving early in the morning, so you won't have time to pack then."

"I know mom how many times have you told me that. I said I packed everything." I spoke in an annoyed tone.

"Mija just please don't treat Pattie the way you treat us, please listen to her and be polite." My mouth dropped open.

"Mom I'm the best daughter anyone can ask for. I treat you so good, you should be grateful you have me as a daughter."

"Okay whatever just go to bed you have to wake up early."

"But it's Saturday tomorrow!" I moaned. One thing about me is that I can never wake up early even if my life depended on it. I could set up 50 alarms and still wake up hours late.

"SELENAAAA MARIEEEE GOOOMEEEZ!!!" I quickly woke up screaming with my hands covering my ear.

"What the hell mom!!" I yelled.

"GET UP WE'RE LEAVING!" Fucking hell that means I'm moving to Justin's house. Say goodbye to life Selena.

I forced myself to get up and wash myself. Then I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs my suitcase.

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