Chapter 14- Tryna make it disappear

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Selena's POV

"But guys I think that's a bit too harsh." Me, Camila and Demi sat on Demi's bed thinking of a plan to get back at Justin for what he did.

"Selena, what he did was harsh he freaking left you in the middle of nowhere!"

"Yeah Selena Demi's right this is nothing compared to what he did to you." Camila reassured me.

"I know but....he loves his car so fucking much."

"Even better!" Demi's face lit up. The plan they came up with in my opinion was really harsh and Justin's gonna get really mad. I was kinda scared, I don't want to get on the bad side of Justin. I didn't wanna do this.

"But guys what if we get caught Justin's gonna kill us and even worse we could get excluded from school."

"Selena you worry too much. We wouldn't get caught 'cause everyone is gonna be inside watching the school game. No one will see us." Demi said.

"Yeah and it's not gonna take long, we'll be finished in minutes. Like we said, after we're done we'll quickly get changed in Demi's car and go inside to watch the game. No one is gonna suspect anything."

"Yeah Sel it's gonna be so much fun! Think of it as an adventure with your best friends. Just live a little." Demi and Camila looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Okay fine I'll do it."

"Yayyy!" They both hugged me.

After me and the girls were done with shopping, we bought all the things we needed for the prank, we spent a few more hours at Demi's plotting revenge. God we sound like little girls, I hate this but I guess it's fun.

Later Demi dropped me home or Justin's house well it's my home too for now.

I unlocked the door with the spare keys Pattie gave me and entered the house. I closed the door behind me. There was complete silence. No one was there. That's strange normally they're all in the living room watching tv and make a lot of noise, that's one thing I learnt about the Biebers they are very noisy.

"Hello." I yelled. I looked everywhere but there was no sign of them. Maybe they went out. I went to the kitchen and there was a note on the fridge. It read "Selena I'm taking the kids out to eat I figured you were with your friends and probably ate with them and if you didn't there's food in the fridge for you. Love Pattie XO" That explains it. I scrunched the note and threw it in the bin. I'll probably go to my room and sleep I have school tomorrow.

I started making my way upstairs when I heard a loud noise from upstairs. I stopped. My heart started beating rapidly. I started to sweat.

"Who's there!" I called out but there was no response. Everything went quite again. I was about to move again when I heard foot steps getting closer and closer. My whole body started to shake and my heart was beating so fast it felt like it would jump out of my chest.

I started to back up slowly, but the heavy foot steps got louder and louder like someone was stomping on the floor. Then I saw a manly figure on top of the staircase, his face was was covered with a black scarf and he was holding a big sharp knife.

I let out a loud scream and started to run away from him. I could hear his footsteps running after me. I was panicking I didn't know what to do my vision was getting blurry. I ran towards the front door and as I was after to open it he grabbed me by the upper arm and swung me back. He locked the door and stood in front of it. Fuck where is Pattie I wish she came home now.

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