Chapter 8- Beach drama

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Justin's POV

The ray of light shone right threw my window and woke me up. I got out of bed and walked to my window and opened it, letting the sun shine of my face. I smiled as I noticed that I wasn't the the only one who liked the morning sun. Selena was also standing by her window feeling the sun.

She smiled back. The sun shone right on her face exposing her natural beauty. She looked so beautiful in the morning. Imagine waking up to that everyday? What the fuck I'm I saying? No I can't possibly be attract to her.

Selena opened her mouth to say something, but before she could speak I closed my window and walked away. I can't be having these feelings towards her. I can never.

After I took a quick shower and got dressed for school, I went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Justinnnn!" My little sister Jazmyn came running towards me.

"Hey Jazzy are you ready for school?" I picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"Yay." She replied.

"Justin sweetie bring your sister here she's getting late." My mom said while tying Jaxon's shoe laces.

"Bro I thought I taught you how to tie your laces?" I asked Jaxon.

"Yeah but mommy won't let me tie it." He squealed.

"Mom he knows how to do it. I taught him."

"Yes but he's late, and he takes forever to tie them."

I waved my mom, brother and sister goodbye and then sat in my car.

"OKAY I WILL NOW BYE!" I heard Selena yell. She slammed the door of her house shut with a loud bang. Woah someone is pissed. She looked at me, but I didn't bother to ask her if she was okay or if she needed a ride. I just drove away leaving her behind. I didn't want to get close to her, I don't wanna catch unwanted feelings.

Selena's POV

I was kinda pissed that Justin didn't offer me a ride. I mean it's not like I wanted a ride, I'm fine with walking it's such a beautiful weather, but still I just...for some strange reason....I like when he annoys me every morning. To be honest....that makes my morning. I just want to talk to him, even if it's just us saying how much we hate each other or just annoying each other....I like it that way. What the fuck is wrong with me? Does every girl feel this way or is it just me?

I walked up to Camila and Demi who were standing in our usual spot.

"Hey Sel!" Demi smiled.

"Where's Justin?" Camila said. Seriously is that the first thing she's gonna say to me?

"Hi Demi it's nice to know that at least you're a good friend and know how to greet your best friend." I looked at Camila and Demi giggled.

"Oh hey Sel what's up what did you do how was your morning did you have anything to eat did-"


We all walked to our first class and ugh I had science which meant Justin.

I walked into my science class and.....what the fuck what is Chantel doing in my seat? She was laughing at something Justin said. They both had their heads so close together and were laughing and talking. What the actual fuck that's my seat, where am I suppose to sit now?

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