Thomas: The Truth

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Thank you DylsNose for requesting!!

Being the only girl in Group A for the Maze gave you a lot of options...boy-wise. When you first opened your eyes after coming out of the Box, your eyes landed on a special Shank whose name was Thomas

Ever since you arrived, you two always had the same routine. You would keep your distance during the day (which was a bit difficult considering you were both runners) and then after all of the other Gladers went to sleep, you two would enjoy each other's company.

That night at dinner, you two made eye contact from across the dining area and he gave you a small nod as a signal for later and you returned the nod.

After everyone went to sleep, you quietly got out of your hammock and your bare feet tip-toed across the cool grass. Then you met Thomas under the tree in the corner of the Glade where you always met.

"Hey," he said and gave you a small wave and you sat down next to him.

"Hi," you replied a little shyly and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.

"The stars are almost as beautiful as you tonight," Thomas said.

Is he flirting with me?! You thought to yourself. You didn't know how to respond, so instead, you laid down in the grass and looked up at the stars.

You sighed happily and he laid down next to you. You pointed at a constellation that had three stars in a row (Orion) and you said, "Let's name that one Thomas because it looks like your harness for the Maze."

Of course you and Thomas didn't have any memories about the actual names of the star formations because your brains got erased of any past life you had before the Maze.

Thomas then stood up and offered you his hand to help you stand up as well.

Then, you did your nightly walk around the perimeter of the Glade and Thomas slid his hand into yours. You were surprised, and you tensed up, but then he reassuringly rubbed your hand and you relaxed.

You then talked about your days and how everything was going on the Maze.


"Y/N" You hear and sunlight slowly comes into your view as you gently open your eyes.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Thomas teases.

You laugh lightly and rub your eyes. Then you swing your legs over the side of the hammock and stand up. Thomas hands you your harness as he already has his on. "Ready for a busy day?" He asks.

"Of course, especially since I get to spend it with you," you replied as you slipped on your harness.

You two never went into the Maze together because you had different schedules, but today was different.

You two slowly jogged into the Maze and turned multiple corners and had a delightful conversation as you ran.

"What do you think of Frypan's-" you started but then Thomas interrupted you.

"I like you," he blurted out.

"Thomas..." You said.

"I knew I shouldn't have said that," he said and looked down. "I just thought you deserved to know, Y/N."

"Thomas..." You said again and held your arm in front of him causing him to stop running. "I like you too," you explained. "I actually really really like you," you said as he held your hands. "Let's just take it slow, yeah?"

"Of course. Anything to get to be with you, Y/N is worth it," Thomas replied with a goofy grin on his face.

You kissed his cheek and looked deeply into his endless brown eyes and said, "We should probably continue running-"

You were cut off once again by the feeling of Thomas's lips on yours and the chills that went up your spine.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist. You pulled away and said "You are amazing."

Hey everyone, Amanda here. Sorry if this chapter didn't meet up to your expectations. I've been going through a rough time and I just needed some space  for a little bit. Thanks for being patient, I'm truly sorry. But tomorrow I will be posting a Thanksgiving imagine that will include all of the characters Dylan has played including Dylan himself! Also, thanks for 10k reads! It is amazing I made it this far.
Love you guys ☺️

 Love you guys ☺️

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