Chapter Eight

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Hey sorry about the dates mix up in the last chapter. For some reason I started using the May dates instead of the September ones. XD It's fix now. Hope you enjoy.

(Still Monday)

They were the first ones to their table at lunch time followed by Liam and Danielle.

 ‘Hello.’ Danielle smiled as she sat down. ‘Lou said you guys had Nando’s three times over the weekend.

 ‘And chips today.’ Liam said as he sat down. ‘You’re really should starting eating healthier.’

 ‘You’re the health nut not me.’ Niall replied as he stuffed another chip into him mouth.  ‘Besides it’s never made any difference before.’

 ‘Lou said Harry seemed to enjoy stirring you up.’ Danielle said to Niall

 ‘He’s mean.’ Niall replied pouting

‘Hey! Who bought you those chips? If you don’t want them…’ Harry trailed off

‘No! I was joking, I love you Harry.’ He exclaimed diving his head into Harry’s shoulder.

‘I know you do.’ Harry said smugly

‘Looks like we’re having a repeat of the other night.’ Lou said as he, Eleanor and Zayn joined them.

‘What happened the other night?’ Danielle asked

‘Niall feel asleep while cuddling Harry.’ Louis replied

‘You know before I got to know you three I thought you were all gay. You’re the only guys I know who walk around holding hands and hugging each other all the time.’ Eleanor said shaking her head.

‘I don’t understand why girls can do that and no one says a word but as soon as a guy does it he’s automatically gay.’ Louis replied

‘Well we all know you like cuddling easily as much as any girl.’ Liam laughed

‘You and Niall are like koalas, they’re always clutching on to someone.’ El said grinning at her boyfriend

‘That’s accurate. Koalas are cute after all.’ Lou said wrapping both his arms around Eleanor.

‘And I always thought Harry was cocky.’ Zayn put in

‘I’m not cocky!’ Louis replied in mock offense ‘We’re cute, aren’t we Niall?’

‘Harry thinks so.’ Niall grinned at Harry smugly

Harry opened his mouth to reply and closed it again sighing.

‘Don’t you Harry?’ Niall mimicked Harry’s signature smirk

Harry groaned and put his head in his hands.

‘Stuck your foot in it did you Harry?’ Zayn grinned at his mate’s discomfort.

‘Anything I say while flirting cannot be held against me.’ Harry said rubbing his eyes

‘So you were lying?’ Niall asked in exaggerated hurt

‘FINE!’ Harry through his arms up in defeat ‘You’re cute. Ok? Stop with the pouting already.’

 ‘See.’ Niall said smuggle sticking nose up at the others

‘And again,’ Lou grinned ‘you fall prey to that face.’


 (Thursday 13th September) 

The boys where in the change rooms the next day before footie practice.

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