Final Happening

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I was in London, Emily was graduating today, she was now a journalist- she had a job working as a script manager for itv news. I was so proud of my daughter, I wanted everything for her. But there was someone she wanted to be there.. someone she needed more than me.
"So.. Ash didn't come.." Emily sighed, the tassel from her graduation cap drooping over her face.
"His dad has gotten much worse.. he can't speak Emma, it's going to be soon." I told her. After visiting him three days ago I was saddened. He was not the friend I used to have.
I didn't have any of the old friends anymore.
David.. he had, basically, already died.
"I. Just hoped he would be here." Emily sighed, "we better go down tonight then."
"We really should Emily.. Ash needs you more than you need him at the moment. He's about to lose his last parent." I told her,
"He's already lost him.." said Emily. "Ash rang me up last week saying that his dad was pointing a gun at himself, then at Ash.. it's so sad.."

On the train back home we sat in silence. The night was dark, the sky was pouring down. The pathetic fallacy downed me..
I missed Joe. I missed David. I missed Nicole.
But this is just how some things have to be: sad.
Everything ends; everything.

I was alone, at least, I felt alone. My dad was bed bound. He had been like that for weeks.
He hadn't spoken since he held the gun against me.
He didn't remember anything.
Not even how to speak.
I dared to walk up to his room, twisting the cold door handle.
"Hello dad." I greeted in vain, looking at him, he was awake, yet so so lost. The district nurse had called round and put him on medication, a monitor was constantly projecting his heart beat. I had spent hours just watching it, getting nervous at every uneven beat.
I put my laptop on my knee and sat beside dad on the bed.
"Let's watch one of your videos, shall we?" I said, knowing that he didn't know what I was talking about. God knows what he was thinking about now..
I switched on one of his old Q and A's , seeing a young image of my dad. So lovely, so energetic... squid. Iballisticsquid.
What a life.


"Ash." He says, I turn around, in absolute shock. It was my dad that spoke. He hadn't spoken- never mind said my name in months.
"Yes! Yes dad that's me! It's me, Ash." I say full of surprise, my eyes start to tense. How did that happen? H-how...
"Did they like the video?" Dad asked, his eyes focused on me.
"W-which video?" I asked him,
"The Q and A." He replied.
"Yes- yes all lovely comments." I told him, my eyes watering, we were both alone. Everything was perfect. Yet.. so heart breaking.
A sudden burst of energy before the end..
I scrolled through some comments left from a video that was made years and years ago, before dad got dementia, before mum died, before he went to war.. before it all began.
"Someone says, 'that was so funny, I can't wait for the next one' and someone else says 'that was amazing, I love you and stampy."
"Hey, listen to that Joe." Said my dad, I looked at him,
"Wait.. Joe as in Stampy?" I asked.. that time I thought dad was cheating on mum.. when he was talking to someone.. about the fact that he missed them.. it was Joe. It was always Joe. And it will never stop being Joe.
"Of course.. stamps and I have never stopped chatting. Haven't we mate?" Dad looked into blank space, where he had imagined Joe sitting beside him.
I started to cry.
A tear fell down my face.
I have no more unanswered questions.
Nothing more to say.
This man in front of me is my father, and has lived an incredible life. He entertained people for years, went to war, lost his family, lost his friends. He has lived the most insane life, he has been heartbroken, hurt, he has witnessed things that a man should have to witness.

He was a solider that never came home from the war.

And he does not remember a single day.
My father has forgotten everything.
Absolutely everything.
He does not remember the war, or the times before.
He doesn't remember when he proposed to my mother or his wedding. He doesn't remember the day that his wife died, or his best friend.

"I think.. I think I'm not well." Dad croaked.
"Dad?" I put my hand on his knee. It's going to be now.. he's going to die today..
"I want Nicole.. I want her to know th- th-"
"Dad.. dad no please!"
"Joe.. hold my hand.." said David, stretching out and wrapping his fingers around mine.
"Dad please don't leave me you- you mean everything to me! I really really don't want to lose you." I cried,
"Ash.. you lost me a long long time ago."
The tears ran from my face.
This was it..
This was the end.
Stampy and Squid were over.. but not to my dad.
"Look at us Joe. Look what we have done." He murmured.
He took one big sad look at me, for this one second he could remember absolutely everything.

"Look what happened."

You only happen once.


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