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I sat in my bed wide awake.
My life, flashing throughout my eyes.
An image of Joe.. He was there.
He was there in my life,
The main part.
My best friend.

"Dave?" Nicole rolled over in bed and looked at me,
"I- I don't feel so good."
I sat up and helped her,
"Are you alright?" I asked her, putting my arms around her.
"My stomach.. It's not sickening its just painful, really painful."
Her eyes widened for a second as she gasped, then she went limp.

"Nicole, love! Love, can you hear me?!" I grabbed my phone and dialled for an ambulance. Clamping the phone between my ear and my shoulder I got prepared and told the ambulance service everything.
I turned on the lights and lifted Nicole up in my arms and slowly brought her downstairs. Ash ran out of his room over to me,
"Dad what happened?!" He put his hands on his mother's face.
"She's just fainted, you should go back to bed."
"I'm seventeen dad! Quit acting like I'm five!"
"Ashton I'm serious! Your mother is unwell. I will bring her to hospital and I'll text you. But you've got school tomorrow."
"I won't sleep anyway."
"Ash." I glared at him, "I really can't have this argument with you now."
He sighed, "text me everything."
"I will. I promise."

I looked over at him as I placed my wife on the couch.
"You wouldn't ever like.. Speak to another woman, would you?" Ash asked, I was confused,
"What do you mean?"
"I heard you.. I heard you speaking to someone.. Saying you missed them.. Who were you talking to?" Joe.. I was talking to Joe.. But I can't say that. I don't want him to pity me, but all the same I can't have him believing that I'm having some kind of affair with Nicole.
"Ash, I love your mother. I love her more than any other woman on Earth. And no I haven't got feelings in that way for anyone else but Nicole. It's just, times have been really really hard lately.. Really hard. Just, please don't think I'd cheat on your mum." I looked down at Nicole. "Please."
My eyes tensed.
Ash stood silently before hugging me.

I heard the sirens of the ambulance as they arrived outside our house.
"Tell James and Rosie, will you? But, try not to worry them too much. Just tell them we're in hospital, I'll keep them updated." I said to Ash. He nodded.

So many unanswered questions.. Who was he talking to?
But most importantly:
Was my mum okay?
Would she be alright?

I looked out of the window. I saw my mum get stretchered into the ambulance.
My dad looked at her: then he did something strange: he put out his hand slightly- as if he were holding someone's.
He said a few words. I wish I could have heard them.
I was worried about both my parents.
They needed eachother.

When we arrived at the hospital I ran beside the paramedics as they dragged Nicole inside and into a cubical.

I sat beside her, staring at her, for at least half an hour till her fingers twitched.
I took her hands and surrounded them in mine. I kissed her fingers.
"Hey." I whispered.
Her stunning eyes opened, blue in colour with silver crystals of light.
She leaned up in her bed, I put one hand on her back and the other on her cheek.
"How are you?" I asked her.
"I'm not sure." She said,
I blankly smiled at her.

A member of staff came to us: a nurse I assumed: I recognised him, I couldn't think where from. He had a stethoscope wrapped around his neck. He looked in his early forties.
"Hi, nice to..." He stared at me as if he recognised me, "nice to see you again.. My name is Noah."
I liked him. Who was he?
Joe walked up from behind me and whispered in my ear,
"That's Noah.. He's the boy whose mother died the day I met him. I met him first when Beth broke her back, the day the war started. He treated me the day I died."
My mouth opened, I stood up and shook his hand.

He asked Nicole about particular types of pain and then out her in for a CT scan.
While she was being scanned I was asked to talk to her.
"Hey Nicole." I began, "remember when we were a bit younger.. Well, a lot younger- we met on Twitter, we were in our early twenties. I had blonde hair, no beard- looked about twelve, you had a brown ombré dip die- we just patched eachother up, didn't we?"
I saw Nicole smile through the camera.
"Remember that time Tom walked into my bedroom and you were in bed beside me and he just screamed." We both laughed.
I wished I could hold her hand.
"No regrets back then, I was doing YouTube, making money, living the dream life: with you. " I took a step back,
"When Noah told me to talk to you I was like, what do I talk about, or do you even want to hear my stupid little voice." I sighed, "I love you."
Nicole bit her lip and her eyes started to water.
"I love you too."

When the scan was over I immediately held Nicole's shaking hands.
"Shh, it's okay love." I told her,
"Everything is gonna be fine, you're going to be alright."

"-Actually." One of the doctors said, "that might not be the case.."

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