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As the months went on, Vicky and I had stayed together. I liked her. She gave me that college excitement. The long passionate nights, the even longer days.
She changed me.
Or so I thought.
I'd grown to not care about Emily, or my dad for that manner. But that all changed when I got a phone call from Dad.
I was sitting on my bed, Vicky was sitting on a seat beside a dressing table doing her makeup. She'd be there for the next hour and a half.
"Hey.." I said as I picked up the phone, "dad."
Vicky wasn't phased by this.
"Hi James."
"It's Ash." I corrected.
"Yes.. Yes of course." My dad sighed.
"Look. What is it?" I muttered. Sliding one hand down Vicky's arm.
"How's.. How is uni?" He asked,
"It's.. Fine." I said.
"And how are you?" He asked me.
"I'm fine." I responded.
"Stamps?! God Emma was right! You really aren't over his death! Do me a favour, stop moaning on about your dead friend! He died years ago, so just build a bridge and get over it!" I yelled, before hanging up.
Just after I put the phone down I covered my mouth with my hands.
Oh my god how could I say that?! How dare I say that to him?!
"I've gotta go home.." I told Vicky. Buttoning up my shirt and putting on a hoodie.
"You are home." She laughed, glueing on her fake-eyelashes.
"No.. I mean back to Hampshire. I've.. I made a mistake."
"I'll come with you." She said, pressing the liquid lipstick onto her lips.
I nodded. Reaching up for my rucksack where I put in a change on clothes. Vicky put in a dress for going out, a bikini just in case, three casual clothing, two coats, hair straighteners, curling iron. Five bottles of weird different aerosols and a whole other suitcase for makeup.
Five hours later we were ready to leave.
I put my hand around her waist as we left my flat.
"So what's your brother like?" She asked me, I didn't know why my brother was relevant.
"He's.. Engaged." I said, just incase she had any ideas.
"Yeah but what does he look like?" She asked me.
"He looks a bit like me except with lighter hair, a beard and thicker eyebrows. He's twenty-three." I told her.
"Na, not into beards." She said, I raised an eyebrow.. What?
"Besides he's living up in Scotland at the moment."
"Scotland.. That's the one in the north right?" She asked,
"Y..yes.." I said.. Did she get Scotland and Wales mixed up.? "Hey are you trying to get another man or something?" I asked her,
"What?! How dare you think that?!" She gasped, "I love you. And only you."
As we walked into the lift the doors closed and she kissed me on the lips.

As the hours past by the train eventually stopped in Hampshire.
"Is he picking us up?" She asked as she stumbled off the train in her stilettos. I linked my arm with hers.
"No- he doesn't know we're coming." I admitted. It was getting dark. It was almost sunset when we arrived in my dads home.
"Oh my god I forgot fake tan!!" Vicky shrieked, "does your mum have any?!"
"My mum's dead." I replied. Feeling anxious about opening the door.
"Oh.." She said awkwardly. "...Well maybe we could go to the shop..?"
I knocked on the door. Ignoring her.

After about twenty seconds the door opened. I saw my dads face emerge.
"Dad.. I'm sorry." I said,
"About what?" He asked, opening the door.
"You know why." I responded.
He just smiled.
"-this is Vicky.. She's my girlfriend." I said awkwardly.
"Oh.. Hi." Dad said, blankly smiling. "Come in.. Come in."
"That's your dad. He looks like your grandfather." Vicky whispered.
I gave a fake laugh. But I didn't like what she was saying.
"Nice house though. Your dad must be filthy rich, we should get married." Vicky added, I didn't give a fake laugh this time.
"Seriously though. I am not waiting to my thirties to have kids. God was your dad fifty years old when he had you?"
I bit my lip in anger. Trying to avoid saying anything to her. She obviously never had to use manners before.
"Ashton.. Do you mind if I speak to you in privacy?" My dad asked me.
"Ashton?! Aha! People actually call you that?!" Vicky laughed, "it's fine I don't wanna know what your gramps says."
That's when I put the foot down.
"Get out of this house." I told her.
"I said get out of this house!" I yelled. "You don't make fun of me! You don't make fun of my dad! Or my family!"
"But I just got here! Jeez take a joke Ash."
I handed her £20.
"We're done. Get out. Go away. I don't want to see you again."
"But I left my hairspray in your flat." She argued.
"Oh the horror! Go get yourself a bit of respect and get out of my life!"

At that she walked out the door and I slammed it.
I then leaned back against the door in shock.
"Dad.." I whispered, I felt myself welling up.
"Ash.." My dad said, protruding into the hall where I was.
"If you've got bad news to tell me.. Just say it now." I told him, gulping.
"Did you and her just.."
"Yep." I nodded and a tear fell out.
My dad hugged me. I hadn't had a comforting hug like this in years. Since I lost my mother.
"Dad what's wrong with me.." I sobbed, "why am I always like this? Why do I just get snappy! Why have I changed so much.."
"What happened to Emma?" Dad asked,
"I don't know.."
"When did you break up?" He asked,
"We were just friends. We were never together." I told him,
"So you go around snogging all your friends do you?" Dad laughed. Making me smile.
"We.. We broke up yeah." I admitted, "couple months ago when we started uni." 
"How the hell did you manage to survive with that Vicky for over a month?" Dad made me laugh, "come on.. Go get Emma back."
"Dad I can't. We're over. I just need you." I told him.
"That's exactly why I want you to get Emma back.." He began. His smile started to fade, "Emma was good for you. You were together since you could speak. Ash. I want you to be happy. I know it's her."
There was something wrong.
Why was he wanting me to settle down.. Find a girl.. Be happy.. I'm only nineteen... Why did he keep forgetting my name.. Did he still miss Joe...  Was he really speaking to another woman in the bedroom all those months ago..
Was this more than just typical forgetfulness...
"Dad... Are you.. Are you okay..?"

Magicanimalclub: 2 : What Happened?Where stories live. Discover now