One Night

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--ASH's POV--
I sat in my room in halls.
It was a nice room- a five star flat. With a one bedroom, a decent kitchen and sitting room with a good sized bathroom.
The first day of university went well. I made friends with a couple people in my year and got off with a tall blonde skinny girl in the club.
It was fun I guess.
I didn't like to admit to myself that I missed Emma.
I was sitting on the sofa looking out the window with my notes, I was trying to learn. My new girlfriend walked out of the bedroom, she was wearing one of my t-shirts. Her long blonde hair was up in a bun. She had spent the last hour caking on foundation and powder to her face, then creating a dark smoky eye with a huge wing of eyeliner to go with her pink glossy lipstick.
"Hey baby what you doin'," she asked, her name was Vicky.
Vicky walked over to me, I looked at her long fake tanned legs. Is she just wearing the t-shirt or are there shorts under there..
"Are you seriously studying?" She asked me, laughing. "What are you? From the 20th century?! Any second now you're gonna start calling me 'Victoria' or something."
"I've got an exam tomorrow.." I told her,
"No you don't it's your second day." She responded. She didn't go to my college. In fact I wasn't even sure she went to college.
She sat on my knees, that's when I realised that she wasn't wearing shorts.
I put my notes to one side as she put her hands around my neck and kissed me. She leant me down on my back and wrapped her legs around me. I felt tense, I wasn't sure if I liked this.. Or if I wanted this..

After my first day of university I went to the nightclub with a few people from my class. I wasn't much of a makeup-wearer, nor did I particularly like partying or drinking but I went anyway. A girl I had make friends with called Liz had glamed me up with hoop earrings, a black smoky eye and whatever other stuff she put on my face.. I wasn't quite concentrating. I was an eighteen year old who hadn't been single in years, I wasn't sure if I was ever single. I had always been with Ash.. I missed him.
But after getting in the nightclub I went straight to the bar section. Some guys were taking shots, I joined them, taking three before feeling heavily tipsy.
"Hey blondie!" Someone called, I turned around.
"Hey." I replied, walking over to a tall, well-built man. He was about my age.
"What's your name?!" I asked me, shouting over the dubstep music.
"Emma! What's yours?!" I replied, putting my hands on his shoulders.
"Justin! Hey can I do something to you?!" He asked me, holding my waist.

Moments later I found myself sitting on the sink of bathrooms that we marked "out of order" with Justin between my legs. I had my arms around his neck as I quenched my mouth with his lips. What are you doing Emma?! This isn't you!
After a lot more drinking and kissing, Justin and I got a taxi back to my house. I was completely drunk. Which lead me to make one terrible decision.


I woke up. It was Tuesday morning. I needed to get to Uni.
I rolled over, I had a splitting headache and I was... Naked? Why was I naked? I then looked back to see Justin lying right beside me.
My mouth dropped. Oh my god! What have I done?!
I jumped out of bed quickly and put on a dressing gown. I ran into my kitchen and took two tablets and a huge glass of water. Hoping that the boy in my room would just vanish. Like he never existed.
I needed to get changed. Everything was packed for me to leave, but I wasn't going to change while he was here.
"Okay.. Justin." I began. But he wouldn't wake.
"Justin!" I yelled.
"Come on Em!" He moaned, reaching out for me.
"No! Justin get out!" I shouted, his eyes widened.
"Ugh.. You're one of those girls!" He grumbled. Putting on his trousers before leaving.

I woke up beside Beth. I was in shock. I couldn't believe that I had just done this. I had hooked up with my dead best friend's fiancé. I felt awful but at the same time.. Amazing. I couldn't let the kids know about this. And we couldn't do his anymore. Beth and I.. This was a one night stand. It needed to stay that way.
"Dave..?" Beth asked, she startled me, I'd almost forgotten what she looked like.
"I- I should be going.." I said, standing up.
"W-why?" Beth asked, sitting up and covering her chest with the duvet.
"You know why." I replied, kissing her softly on the lips before leaving her.
"You're making the right decision David." Joe said, as I walked outside her house back to mine.
"I know. I'm certain of that. I'm sorry Joe." I replied.
"David I'm not real. Remember that." Joe reminded me.
"Yes.. Yes you are." I sighed.
I continued to walk down the footpath until I reached my house.
I stepped in the door.
I closed it behind me.
It had just dawned to me how much I missed Joe.
I was just so lonely.
If I could change one thing.. What would I change..?
Obviously I wouldn't want to avoid Joe for sixteen years. But how could I change that? Not hate him when I thought he killed my dad? How could I not hate him? Any normal person would hate someone who killed their parent. Not go to war? But if I didn't go to war then .. Joe and I wouldn't have gotten as close.. Maybe we never would have spoken. My dad would have been killed anyway surely. And I'd just die a coward.
So.. To conclude.. If changing one thing changed the bond that Joe and I had. Then I wouldn't change a single thing.

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