Something More

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"So what's on the agenda for today, Dave?" I said, walking into David's house in the morning. This had become a frequent thing, every Tuesday and Friday at 11am I'd go to his house, we'd go out for breakfast in town, then go for a walk around by the sea.
"Coffee?" He asked, grabbing his coat and walking out the door to meet me.
"Sure, there's a lovely place down by the shore- I went there with Emily when she was little." I suggested,
"Sounds cool." David replied, trying to retain his youth.
He took one full look at me, "Beth you look lovely." He said, making me smile.
"Well you look very handsome." I responded, linking my arm with his. He still looked distracted.
"Are you okay David?" I asked him.
"I.. I read the letter you gave me." He said. Oh yes.. the letter Joe wrote to David before he died..
"Mind if I ask.. what he said..?"

2 nights ago..

I lay in bed looking at the closed envelope. It could be nothing. I told myself..
"Just open it David." I said to myself, I lifted up the piece envelope and took out the folded piece of paper inside.

Happy Birthday Squid!
23 years old- God you're ancient!
Looking forwards to your mad party (we can come btw) .
Only known you for two years but they've been great - have some chocolate and a beer  mate :) XX LUV YOU!! -STAMPS!

I laughed at it, I kept on laughing as I put the card upon my mantelpiece.

present day

"Yeah, it was a birthday card. Bloody hilarious! 23rd Birthday... My god he was funny." I told Beth, she giggled,
"Really?! I secretly hoped that it'd be something like that!"
I loved her smile, she looked so radiant in the natural sunlight, even though she was over fifty years old. She had retained her youth well.
"So.. Any word from Emily?" I asked Beth as we strolled down the road. I was proud of myself for remembering Emily's name.
"She said she's okay, she's settling in well in Cambridge. What about Ashton?"
"Ash? He hasn't called or picked up my calls, but he's texted me saying he's getting on okay."
"Does he know.. About..." That I have dementia? That I'm loosing my mind?
"No.. I.. Haven't got the guts to tell him." I admitted.
"You should." Beth encouraged, her arm still linked with mine as we walked into a coffee shop.
"I don't want to distract him.. He's got a lot on his hands at the moment."
Beth nodded before ordering two cappuccinos.

We walked outside onto the beach, we sat on a bench sharing an ice cream. It was a beautiful day, the sun was high and the birds sang on the beach.
"So.. Are you looking forewords to Rosie's graduation?" Beth asked me,
"Yeah." I said, "I'm proud of her, really proud.. I'm just not sure that I remember my way around the capital, I'd fear missing her graduation day."
"I could come with you." Beth offered, "help ease your biggest fears."
"Trust me I've got far bigger fears than that." I said, watching Joe walk up to me and put a hand on my shoulder... I shrieked in shock,
"You've got to remember that I'm not real, David, I'm just in your head."
"So what is your biggest fear, David?" Beth asked me, taking my hands.
I simply told her the truth.
"My biggest fear is that, eventually, you will see me the way I see myself."
Beth's mouth dropped with sympathy, her eyes began to water.
Joe walked up to me, "Why is it so hard to forget that I'm not real?"
But it was Beth who answered, "because you look real! And you were real! And you still are to me."
My mouth dropped...
"Yes. I see Joseph too. I've always seen him." She said, "it's like he never went away, and it's so hard to come to terms that he's gone."
It shocked me that right now I was seeing Beth cry like this, she loved him too. She loved him as much as I did. And this just brought me closer and closer to Beth.
"I'm sorry.. I'm so weak, just crying! I'm pathetic! We weren't even married!" Beth told herself aloud. 
"Beth, you're not crying because you're weak, you're crying because you've been so strong for so long." I told her.
She looked up at me with bright blue eyes, putting a hand on my face, I put my forehead up against hers as our lips locked. I closed my eyes, I didn't need to hear Joseph telling me not to kiss her. I didn't need to forget this! I didn't need this moment to be taken away.
I stroked her cheek as I kissed her slowly. I then opened my eyes and pulled away.. I just kissed her.. I just kissed my dead best friend's ex... How dare I?
"We.. Shouldn't have done that should we?" I stated, my hands in hers,
"David, you have to remember it's your life. It's my life too and I've grown to love you." She told me, pulling something in my heart strings.

Two hours later we were in Beth's house, I had pushed her up against the wall with my lips in hers. Slowly I slipped off her shirt and kissed her neck. Beth ran her fingers through my hair and down my topless back. I lifted her onto her bed where we fell asleep together. My arms wrapped around her slim body.
I loved her now, I just knew that I would forget this. I didn't want to but it was going to happen. I was going to forget that I ever even touched Beth. Nicole was still my wife... I had to stay loyal to her. Also.. my son and her daughter were together.. Beth and I couldn't ruin their relationship by hooking up..
This was never going to work..

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