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"Stampy?! Stampy?! Wait am I doing the intro? Stamps?" I asked,
"I'll do the intro, you did it last week."
"Alright, go ahead- you synced up?"
"Okay, three two one.. Hello this is-"

My eyes jutted open.
Reality overwhelmed me.
I looked at Joe on the windowsill. He looked at me with disappointment.
"You're gonna have to let me go. That was a long time ago. We are done. I'm dead."
"It should be me in that grave, not you." I said. Stretching and walking into the shower.
"You treat yourself like you're still twenty five. David. You're old. You've got dementia and-"
"Shut up Stampy!" But he's my brain personified.. Did I just tell myself to shut up?
"What will you do today? Go to the graveyard? Same old looking sad old man with no more kids." Joe said,
"Don't rub it in." I laughed, "old friend if there's a heaven I can't wait to go to it."
"But Rosie, James and Ashton would be devastated."
"Rosie, James and Ashton don't need me anymore. They're all off to uni, theyll get a decent job and forget about me."
"They couldn't just forget about you, you're their dad."
"All the same. I'm an old retired youtuber with no recollection of... Well.. Anything, really. I don't really know why I went into this room."
And so I walked out of the room and downstairs where I heard someone knocking on the door.
I walked to the door to answer it. It was Beth.
"Hi Beth." I said, opening the door.
"Hi- sorry to bother you I just thought I'd call round." She said, hugging me and kissing my cheek.
"No problem."
"I was wondering if you'd like to go on a walk with me- you don't have to-"
"No, no I'd like that." I said.

I sat on the train beside Ash on our way to our new universities. I rested my head on his shoulder, smiling, looking up at him.
"So are you excited to go to college?" I asked him,
"More terrified." He said, putting his hand on my cheek.
I looked into his eyes as I touched his face.
"We'll be okay, won't we."
"Course. We've known each other since we were three." He said. I giggled catching his eyes again. I opened my mouth and closed my eyes as I kissed Ash. I pulled away smiling at him. Moving the stray strand of hair from his face.
"Remember when I thought my dad was cheating on my mum?" Ash asked, I rolled my eyes,
"Ash.. She's dead now.. I'm so sorry-"
"He's still speaking."
"Leave your dad alone, he has no one to cheat on." I said,
"He's depressed! He's a widowed man with three grown up children! No one would love him except mum!"
"Stop this. Just stop this now." I muttered.
"So you're taking my dads side?"
"No! God no! I'm not taking sides! Just leave your poor dad alone! He's been through a lot!"
"So have I! Exactly the same!" Ash yelled,
"He's not over my dads death."
"Neither are you! And he died four years ago!" I was horrified with what Ash was saying.
"He was my dad! How would you like it if your dad died?!"
"You'd probably be more upset than me seeing as you like him so much."
"Shut up!" I yelled.
"Because my dad died and your mum died and we both know how horrible it is to lose a parent!"
"Depends how they die.. Cancer or.. Bullet." My mouth dropped, I felt so sick. I stood up.
"You know for a genius you can be remarkably thick." I said.
"What?!" He yelled back at me.
I picked up my bags and moved into another carriage, locking the door before I put my head in my hands and burst into tears.

David and I walked along the pavement, until we found a bench beside the graveyard and sat down beside each other.
"So have you ever thought about moving back up north?" I asked him,
"To Yorkshire? No.."
"Why not? I thought you loved it up there."
"Yeh but..the nursing home is better down here." He said,
"W..why would you be needing a nursing home..?" I asked, feeling scared. "You aren't.."
"I am." He said, before I could finish. "I have early onset dementia. I reckon I've another couple years."
This broke my heart, "David." I put my arms around his shoulders, "oh god David I'm here for you."

David looked distracted, as if someone was speaking to him in his head, I looked into his eyes, we were older now, much older, but he missed having someone with him. He missed his friend, he missed his wife. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, making us both smile. I took his hands, "well let's make this year the best year of your life."

We set off again down the beach, sharing an ice cream and sitting in the sand.
"So how's James and Rosie getting on?"
"You know what, I haven't got a clue. All I know is that I've gotta make it to Rosie's graduation day next week. No idea when James is going to graduate."
"Can't believe those little kids are graduating." I sighed, seeing the two twins as three year-olds.
"Nor can I. You should see Rosie, she's grown up to be so beautiful. She looks just like her mother."
I leant my head on Davids shoulder. I noticed a scar on his forehead.
"How'd you get that?"
"I don't like to say the truth because it makes me feel terrible." He muttered.
"Did Joe do it to you?" I asked,
"Not exactly." He said, "about twenty years ago when I thought he killed my dad we.. We fell through the glass window.."
"Oh.." I said, looking down.
"If I could turn back time.. Oh if I could turn back time I never would have left him."
"David.. What has been done is finished. Which reminds me.. He left you a letter." I said.
"Yes, I was clearing up his things the other day and I saw an envelope with your name on it.. I don't know when he wrote it.. I don't know if it's of any relevance but I just thought.." I put my hand in my handbag, pulling out an older envelope and putting it into the hands of David.
"Thanks." He said, taking it and putting it in his pocket.
He looked at me with the loneliest gaze about him. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through his head.

Magicanimalclub: 2 : What Happened?Where stories live. Discover now