Student Life

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I was sitting in my office: unsure quite what to do.
It had been months since Nicole's funeral, Ash was just about to move out and I would be on my own again.
I looked at my computer, it had been years since I had even dreamed of going onto that site.. YouTube.
I searched up my name: David Spencer.
Nothing came up? What, has my channel been deleted?
Then I remembered that that wasn't my channel name..
Squid. That's what Joe called me. Stampy and squid. But it wasn't my full name.. I searched and searched in my brain to try and remember.. I couldn't believe I had forgotten the word..
So I just searched up Stampy and Squid. Nothing much came up apart from one video which struck me.. By Stampylonghead.
I clicked on his channel, then clicked on 'channels'  then ... iBallisticSquid. OF COURSE! How could I forget that?!

I clicked on one of my last videos.. It was a puzzle map with Stampy..
When I heard his voice, it sounded so young and new.. I broke into tears.
We were just kids. We were fully alive and fully able to do anything.. I would do anything.. Anything to go back and tell him how good a friend he was..

That's when the plan started:
I logged onto my Xbox one and went onto Minecraft. Reminding myself of the controls.
I had my good old squid skin on with a party hat.
I could have had face cam but.. I was old..
I reminded myself of how to record, of my introduction HELLO EVERYBODY!

And after about ten minutes.. I had just filmed a video.
It wasn't an update video, because there was far too much to update on, I just played a few mini games. I was pretty sure that hardly anyone played minecraft anymore.

I walked into my dads room where he sat at the PC, he closed the computer screen immediately as I walked in making me suspicious. I still hadn't forgotten my dad speaking to.. Someone in his room.. Saying he missed them... Thinking that no one could hear him. Was he skyping them?
I walked over to him.
"Hi." He said, spinning in his chair and facing me.
"What are you doing?"
"Working." I rolled my eyes,
"You don't work. You don't have a job."
"Yes I do." He said, smiling. I couldn't understand him. Until he opened up the window and I saw his YouTube channel opened up.
I started to tear up. He was doing YouTube again..
"'Kay." I said, turning away.
"What.?" I asked.
"Are you alright?" He asked me, standing up. I looked at his old face. Things were never the same after mum died.
"I'm fine.. Just busy."
"When are you moving out?"
"Yeh." I was planning to go to Emily's house.
"Oh.. Well do you want some help?" He offered,
I shook my head and walked out of the room.

I sat outside my son's room as he packed away the things that I had bought him over the years, the things Nicole had bought him, the things he had won and the few things that he had bought himself.
He packed them up into cardboard boxes and loaded them into his car.
I looked into his empty room and sighed.
It was as if no one had ever lived in this room at all.
It looked like what it did when we first moved here in 2020.
All traces of life had vanished.

Ash looked up at me, "I'm gonna go now." He said,
I looked at him, seeing the young boy he once was, with tears in my eyes.
I hugged him. We had been through a lot together. Me and my son. Ash and me.
"You won't forget about me will you?" I whispered while I hugged him,
"I'll never forget you."
"You go and live your life, don't worry about me, don't you worry about anything Ash, don't worry about anything."
Ash's eyes started to water and run. "I love you dad. I love you so much."
"I love you too." I sighed, "I've transferred £800 thousand into your bank account. I hope it'll help you along the way."
"Dad! Why- why would you do that?"
"Use it wisely Ashton." I said. Putting my hand on his shoulder.
"You're an impossible man, David Spencer." He said to me,
"Anything is possible, Ashton Spencer. Anything at all."

After Ash left I walked up to my bedroom.
I was alone now.
I had never felt so alone in my life.
I had no family, no pets, no friends.
"Joe?" I called, "Nicole?"
No one came anymore.
I was losing hope.
Until Joe sat down beside me.
"You should have told him you have dementia."
"How could I tell him?! It'll only make him worry!"
"He should know the truth. You should've at least told your other children."
"My other children? Oh yes.. " but their names never came to me..
"Rosie and James." It was Nicole. I bowed my head toward her,
"I'm sorry, love." I told her.
"David.. I'm not real, you do realise that we are all inside your head?"
"We aren't real. You're making this up."

I blinked my eyes open. My mind haunted me. I could feel myself starting to fail.
I couldn't understand.. Anything. But the simple fact that I was dying.
And that my children would hate me for not telling them.

So I took out my phone.. Unsure how to begin.
I just shivered.. How does one tell their only family left, just months after their mother died that their father was dying too?

I turned my phone off and put it on the table as I looked outside the window: I saw Ash, he hadn't gone to college.. He was staying with Emily.. Of course.. He wouldn't want to stay with his dad, he's probably partying, having the time of his life. I wouldn't want to stay with my boring dad if I were him.

I caught Ash's eye as I looked out the window and sat him far across the street in the bench. I smiled at him as a tear fell down my face.

"Oh son.. Where will I be when I see you again..."

Magicanimalclub: 2 : What Happened?Where stories live. Discover now