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BOOK ONE- MagicAnimalCkub: Happenings.

Now.. For those who asked for the sequel, here it is.

Stampy has just died after saving Squids father from a bullet, you remember that?
Emily, Stampy's daughter and Ash, Squids son are going out together. Squid had two older children, Rosie and James.
Squid and Stampy had been video gamers together, they went to war and watched their friends die, together. They fell out for sixteen years after Stampy supposedly killed Squids father however he found out his whereabouts and they found his father again, meanwhile, Stampy got shot..
Here we are.. The funeral of Stampylongnose..

"My father was Joseph Garrett," I said, nervous. The funeral was being streamed live on television.
"Many knew him as Stampy." I added. Seeing a few smiles. "I didn't know him as Stampy until the day of his death. The day I got, well, nosy, one could say. And I found out everything about his YouTube channel."
I saw my grandparents smiling.
"I'm going to miss my dad." I gulped, trying to keep in the tears. Trying to be professional. "He saw so many things I would never even dream of seeing. He never told a lie yet he never told the truth.. He was so funny." My nose tensed as did my eyes. A tear fell down my face,
"I remember one time when dad and I were walking beside a river and he said he'd race me to the other side, I started running and he just jumped in the lake and started swimming!" I tried to make myself laugh.
"I'm sorry this is more of a.. Best man speech than a funeral mourn.. I wish it could have been the best man speech." I looked at my mother in sorrow.
"A-all I know is that I loved my father despite what he did.. And- and I'll miss him a lot."

I walked off the altar and back into a phew beside mum.
I looked to my left, David sat at the front in the corner.
His hand was pressed hard against his mouth and tears streamed out of his red eyes.
He knew more than all of us.
He saw everything.

And there at the back of the church was an old looking man. About mid sixties.
He wore a black blazer with army badges on the breast.
He must have been some kind of army captain with my dad.

When it was my turn to speak I stood up and walked to the microphone.
I cleared my throat.
I looked to the back of the hall and saw John. Our army captain.
Suddenly I felt so much older.
I saw a beautiful woman beside him... His daughter... The four year old who drew us fan art.. I couldn't remember her name.. Molly? Lily? I wasn't sure.
I looked up, then shook my head and looked down again.
"Stamps.." I began, getting a few smiles.
"Stamps if you can hear me, I want you to know that I wasted sixteen years of my life, I never should have left you alone. I shouldn't have given up.  You last told me that You only happen once, and you said you enjoyed your happening but.. You didn't. I can sense that you didn't at the end.."
I was aware of the constant tears streaming down my face.
"I know that there is a biblical definition for a saint and I am fully aware that I am standing at the altar of a church but Stamps, you are my Saint. You had the choice of a whole lifetime, but you chose to save someone else, and that my friend was the most generous thing anyone could have done. I miss you stamps." I blankly smiled, I'll never forget you.. I'll never forget you... But.. The thing is.. I probably will..

Magicanimalclub: 2 : What Happened?Where stories live. Discover now