Lethal Shot

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A couple of days had past since my heart breaking encounter with my father.
But this morning was different: it was 1pm and my dad hadn't woken up- this would have been quite normal for me, but for Dad- who had went to sleep at 9pm last night and usually wakes up at 6am, this was very unusual.
And so, I took to the task of knocking on his bedroom door.
It was locked.
No one ever locked the inside doors in this house.
I tried again at the door.
"Dad? Dad are you in there?!" I called, beginning to panic.
James walked down the stairs onto the landing with a mug of coffee in his hand and his iPad in the other.
"James.." I began, looking over at him.
His eyes widened and he put his tablet and mug on the ground and tried at the door with me.
"Dad?!" He called. Knocking.
"David Spencer! iBallisticsquid! Dad! Please!" I begged.
Rosie walked out of her room,
"W-what's going on?" She asked, hurrying over to us.
"Dads locked himself in the room.."
"But dad hasn't walked on his own in weeks." Rosie said in shock.
"I- I opened his door to check on him at 9am but he was fast asleep... I haven't checked since." I told them.
"Why?! That was four hours ago!" Yelled Rosie.
"Well if you care so much why didn't you check on him yourself?" I retaliated.
"Because you know him best! You kn-"
"Listen you're his child just as much as I am! He is your responsibility just as much as he is mine! I have a right to live four hours of my stupid life without checking to see if my dad is still alive!" I yelled at her, feeling all my anger and stress come out.
"What! You think he's dead?!" Rosie shouted,
"Rosie just shut up." I moaned, my eyes feeling heavy.
"Oh come on are you gonna cry now? Where's your fiancé to cry on? You think you're so grown up."
I just looked at her in disgust.
"Get away from my dad."
"Who gives you the right to order me about."
"You said I know dad the best." I told her, "don't come back until your clean."
"What do you know about clean?" She mocked,
"You're taking stuff to help you cope." I said. She didn't know that I knew.
"Ashton st-"
"Let me finish: you're taking .. heroin? To make you cope with your dad slowly dying.." I sighed, "I saw the sachet in your bag in the kitchen a couple weeks ago, I suggest that you take it out and stop using it before you become addicted, you should know this, you're supposed to be a doctor. This could demolish your career."
James just looked at Rosie in horror while I decrypted her secret.
Rosie ran downstairs and James stared at me,
"Go after her James, tell her I'm sorry." I said. Leaning against the door.
"Take it easy Ash." James sighed, patting my shoulder before walking downstairs.

I looked down on the ground where I found a hair pin; I picked it up and wondered if it was actually possible to pick a lock with a hair pin.
I tried anyway: I needed to get to my dad.
I pushed the pin into the hole and twisted it, to my surprise something clicked.
I opened the door to my dad's room and looked to his bed; it was empty.
I then looked to the free-standing mirror where I was shocked to see my dad, dressed in his suit from the army with all his badges, his hat, his blazer.. his gun.
He was standing up straight, his back to me and the gun to my head.
"Dad.." I began, scared.
"Get out of here." He sighed.
"Put the gun down." I said, trying to calm him.
"I said get out!" Dad yelled, pointing the gun straight at me.
"Dad!" I shouted, terrified. "Put the gun down!"
"Why?! I don't know who you are! I don't know where I am! I'm gonna die anyway!" He yelled, putting the gun back to his own head.
"Please just put the fu*king gun down dad." I ordered,
"I am a soldier! This is part of my uniform!"
"Then give me the bullets!" I yelled, my eyes reddening. I just hoped that James and Rosie would be able to hear me downstairs.
My dad put his gun to his head and closed his eyes, his finger on the trigger.
I ran out and tried to grab it, my dad pushed me against the wall, grabbing the gun back and pointing the gun at my head as I fell to the floor..
"I will kill you!" My dad screamed, his eyes terrified me, this wasn't him.. he had completely forgotten himself..
"Then kill me." I responded, my eyes watering. "Go on, do it." I said.
My dad continued to point the gun at me, his hands shaking,
"My life is already a mess. My mother's dead, my dad is dying, my brother is paranoid because my sister is high and my fiancé is away. What reason do I have to keep going?! Ive just really upset my sister! I am three years behind on education with no chance of a job as I've lost my place at university because of you! I've got nothing! I fu*ked up dad! And I don't wanna lose you but I know it's gonna happen and I'm so sorry I can't be the amazing son that you wanted! Im so sorry I can't look after you! I lie to you every single fu*king day of my life! Your wife is dead! So is your brother and all your friends! I'm a liar and there is no point of me in this world! I have failed! Go on shoot me!
Shoot me! I don't care anymore. I deserve it.." Tears streamed down my face.. I closed my eyes,
"You don't want to die." Said my dad. Lowering the gun.
"Nor do you." I told him.
And then a tear fell from my dad's face,
"I'm a demented old man who doesn't remember a day of his life: give me one reason not to kill myself."
I just looked at him, my tears blurring my vision.
"Me." I whimpered, biting my lip. "I'm the only reason you've got left and you're the only reason I've got left." I said. My dad sat down on the bed, looking down his eyes reddening.
"Give me the gun dad." I said, my dad hesitated before unloading the gun and handing it to me.
I took a minute to catch my breath before I noticed my dad collapsing.
I ran and caught him, setting the gun on the ground as I sat him down on the white sheets of his bed.
I took off his army uniform and let him go back to sleep.
I sat beside him, my cheeks wet from tears.
I had never expected anything like that to ever happen.

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