Confronting The Truth

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Chemistry, check. Physics, check. Biology, check. Latin, check. Maths, check.
All my books were packed for the first day of  my final year of school.

I was an A* student. I studied at least three hours every night, I had dreams of being either a barrister, an accountant, or maybe even someone political- a prime-minister, perhaps, Don't get ahead of yourself, Emily!

The whole YouTube thing confused me, yet I was greatly interested by it. I had sat and watched my dads videos for hours on end, crying if he at all referenced something that I recognised.

I missed him.
I missed him so much.
Every time I thought about him I felt a sharp pain in my heart. Part of me was missing.

I put my bag on my shoulders and said goodbye to my mum.
I walked out of the door. Breathing in the fresh air.
You have to keep yourself together Emma. Don't cry. Don't show emotion. Do this for dad.

As I entered the school grounds I saw people stare at me, then turn back to their friends and whisper 'her dad died' and 'poor girl'.
I carried on walking till I entered the building and sat down in my form room.
It was cold. I was the only one in the room.
I turned on the lights and took out my chemistry books and began to revise.
But nothing sank in.
All I could think of was my dad.
I remembered his last words, "you only happen once, and I've enjoyed my happening.."
"I want you to happen again!" I cried.

I was in the bathroom. Gelling my grey hair. I saw Joe in the mirror.
"Doing some light grooming?" He said, laughing. I smiled, remembering our inside jokes from London in 2013... Years and years ago.
In many ways it was nice to have my mind personified into Joe. But every time I saw him my heart just shattered. He was dead. Nothing could bring him back.

That day I walked over to the graveyard.
It was cold and autumnal, the sky was grey.
I wore a long black coat with a blue scarf.
I was alone.

I walked on the grass till I saw the gravestone that wrote the devastating words of Joseph Garrett.
I just stared at it. He's gone, and my way of mourning him is seeing him in my mind. I'm lost. I'm depressed. I'm alone. I need help.
A tear fell down my face,
"I enjoyed your happening." I whispered, before breaking down into tears.
I imagined Joe taking my hands and facing me,
"Oh dear god what happened to us?" I asked Joe rhetorically.
"Everything happens for a raisin." Joe smiled as he spoke, making me smile. It was as if he was still here, making jokes with me.
Joe put one arm around my shoulders and I felt comforted.
"Why can I see you? Why does this feel so real?"
"Because you're dying." He told me.
I blinked and he was gone.
He left me, while speaking my mind.
I'm dying. And he is here, my personified mind, guiding me towards my final happening.

I walked past the school. Everything was quiet. It was mid-day.
I saw a figure run out of the school.
A student, a girl, senior uniform.

In tears.

"Emma?!" I called as she went closer to the gates. She just looked at me.
I ran over to her.
"Emily- Emily what's up?" She wasn't my daughter, I didn't know her well, but I needed to help her.
"You know what's up.. "
I bit my lip, "I do." I took a deep breath, "come on, I'll take you home."

I walked beside her towards her house.
"Is your mum at home?" I asked her. She shook her head,
"No she went out for lunch with her friends today." Emma said.
"Do you want me to stay with you for a bit, you shouldn't be left alone when you're feeling like this." I said. Emily looked at me for a few seconds before nodding. We both walked inside her house.

I walked down the corridor, "that was his office, wasn't it?" I said, pointing at the door. Emily hesitated, 'yes.'
"I'll show you something." I said, opening the door,
"No I really don't feel like-"
"Come on, it's more beneficial than you think." I said. Opening the door, my heart shattered.
Emily followed me inside. A tear streamed down my face. I wiped it away quickly and cleared my throat.
"Are you okay?"she asked me,
"C-course I'm okay." I said, my heart breaking. "I'm always okay."

I saw Joe sitting on his office chair in my mind. With an Xbox controller in his hands.
My jaw shivered and my nose tensed.
Once the image of Joe was gone I sat down on his seat, Emily sat down beside me.
"So- when did you and my Dad meet?" She asked me,
"Oh.. Well, it wasn't anything special, I just wanted someone to record with and he replied to me and we just became really good friends.. Really good friends."
"What actually happened at war?" She asked me, I felt interrogated. My memory was fading.
"It's hard to sum it up in one sentence. I guess war just shredded up our emotions and burned us from the inside out. There were times that both of us were suicidal. It just.. It hurt." I gulped. "Bad happenings."
"-Happenings?" Emily asked, "Dad said that to you when.. When he was dying.."
"It was a motif. Your mum started it. She wrote something about happenings in a letter to your dad when we first went out to war."
Emily covered her mouth and a tear ran down her face.
"I just miss him so much." I moved awkwardly towards her before hugging her. She closed her eyes as I hugged her. She was comfortable.

I felt so much worse.
Joe spared my father for his daughter's.
Now I have a father and she doesn't.
And she's only seventeen..

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