Chapter 4

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   Thursday morning, I woke up feeling like a million bucks. I jumped out of bed and got ready for school. I was excited to see Mark today. Sure enough he was waiting for the bus stop alone. I walked up to him and greeted him. I wanted to kiss him right on the spot just to feel those lips again. But yet again I don't know he would want me doing that in public since he is not publicly out or sure of himself. I don't even think we are officially dating. I'm asks him after school.

   ”Hey Riley, how are you?” he asked me in an awkward tone. I didn't pay much attention to it. ”I'm good and you?” I answered him with a smile. ” I'm good too.” He smiled then got serious. ”So are you coming over day?” I was thinking about it. Maybe I should so I can ask him if we are going to date.

   ” Yeah..if you want me to?” He didn't hesitate to answer. ” Its cool with me.” He gave me his sexy smirk.

   We sat on the bus together and texting each other even though we are right next to each other.

After the bus ride we went our septate way. As usual Rebecca and Juanita were waiting for me and I walked towards then and we headed down the hall talking about girly things.

   Like how Juanita wants a man that can buy her everything she wants and how Rebecca wants a relationship like her patents. Just like her father treats her mother with respect.

   I was about to talk about mine when I saw some guys talking about me, laughing. I know what they were saying, but I just ignored them, until one of them slapped my ass. I gasped and turned back and glared at them.

   ”What the hell did you do that for?!” I yelled at whoever did it. I as furious. ” Don't act like your didn't like that, faggot!” A thin white boy said while laughing with his friends.

   ”No I didn't, but it seems that you did.” His friends stared laughing at him. He was turning red of embarrassment and anger. He pushed me and I almost stumble. I was about to punch him, but Juanita got on the way.

   ”That's enough! Get the hell or of here pricks!” They just snared and walked away.

   I stared laughing as did the girls. ”OMG!  I can't believe you stood up to him!” Rebecca with disbelief. ”I know me too! Its so not like you.” Juanita chimed in. I just laughed and agreed with her its not my charterer to be talking back to anybody I just ignore them.

After the bell I went to my sixth period class and asked the teacher if I can go to the restroom. She nod and gave me the bathroom pass.

   I left. The halls were empty and quiet it felt awkward likening to my for  steeps echoing through the halls.

   I made it to the bathroom and heard a odd noise in one of the stalls it was a girl moaning. Ewww!  She is having sex in SCHOOL! Nasty ass girl.

   I walked out trying not to make any noise. I was waiting out side because I really have to go to the bathroom. Two minutes later the girl comes out. I knew get from Chemistry class, she is the class whore. She looked at me and smiled and I looked at her grossed out.

   I was curious to who was her victim. I didn't take that long to see who it was. My heart dropped as I saw Mark come out of the bathroom. I felt so used and berated that I didn't know what to do.

   I felt tears running down my face. His face was unexplainable. He looked shocked, horrified, guilty and sad. But he played it cool because the girl was with him.

   I turned away and walked to my class.

   When I entered, everyone was starting at me and wounding why I was crying.

   After school my friends were trying to find out why I was crying, but I was not taking. I couldn't talk I was speechless. I just told them I will tell them later.

   When I went in the bus, Mark stated at me with a sad expression on his face. I ignored it and sat on my seat in the front of the bus.

   When we arrived to the bus stop he stopped me I just looked at him and all I can imaging was what  happened just a few hours ago.

   Tears escaped my eyes and feel down my cheeks. ” Look, I didn't want you to see that...I mean...I shouldn't have done that...I'm just confused...” I glared at him in disbelief. ” Why the hell would you play with my feelings like that?! ” my tears were running down like a water fall. ”I don't want to ever see you again...delete my number.”

   We were quite for a long while. ” Please, I messed up and I really like you-” I interrupted him. ” If you really liked me your would have not done that...I'm out bye.”


    I walked away, hoping that he would stop me, kiss me, make me know he does feel sorry. But he didn't he just went in one direction and I went in the other.

   When I arrived home Hailey jumped on me. ”Riley!” I was nor in the mood to play with her that I got hey of me a little rudely, but then I notice she was not excited to see me she was scared. ” What's wrong HeyBear?” I kneel down she hugs me and cries. ” Mommy wants to move and leaves up alone here.” She mumble on my chest. I chuckle a little. ” Mommy is not going to leave us Heybear...she...I don't know what she is going to do..I'll go talk to her. Kay?” she nods and whips her tears.

   I went upstairs to go talk to my mother and see that she was packing. Is she actually leaving us? ” Ma why are you packing?” She didn't look at me and she went to get closet. ”I got a job offer in New York c isn't that exciting? The CEO of coco Chanel are looking for a new designer and guess who they picked?... Me! ” she was jumping around and she seemed so happy that made me smile.

   Then I realized we are moving too. ” So that means we are moving too?” She stop and looked at me. ” honey...I'm sorry, but we are moving tomorrow night...that's why I need you guy to pack you things today.”

   I know that this is a big deal for her and I'm happy for where but what about my friends and my birthday?! ” What about my birthday? I don't know anybody in New York.” She stopped her packing again then walked towards me and say me down her bed.

   ” Honey I'm so sorry, but I really need this job...I didn't tell you this because I didn't want you to get upset but....I got fired...I then got a call from New York and got an offer and I took it with out I need you to be with me on this one sweety.”

   I say there in silence, thinking why tomorrow? Why couldn't it have been the week after my birthday?  ” Okay mom...I'll go start packing.” Right before I was about to leave my mother stops me.

   ” Honey if you want you can throw a going away party? I'm going to take your sister to Marry's so she can take of her and I have to do paper work before we leave and its going to take a while.”

   I was shocked that she would let me throw a party. ”Okay mom, thank you!” I ran to my room and threw myself dialing my best friends.

   I told them about Mark well half of it. I didn't tell them what I saw. just that he broke my heart. ” He is so stupid! Well its his lost. He has no clue what a great guy you are. You deserve better boo.” Said Rebecca and Juanita agreed.

   They have a point I do deserve better. There just one more thing I go to do. And that is tell them I'm moving to New York.

   I embraced  myself told them. ”WHAT!” They both said in sync. ” when are you moving?” I told them when and what time. we were sad for a while until I joked that Rebecca's dream jinxed it.

   I told them that my mom said I can throw a going away party. They were ask excited like me moving out was going to be awesome even though I know they are not happy that I'm moving. I hope. He.he.he.

   After they hung up we met up at the corner store. When we met up we went to but snacks and drinks for the party.

   After we finished getting everything we hung out all day for the last time. When we were saying or goodbyes we cried a little. ”Friends forever. Right?” I asked them. They punch me. Ouch by the way. ” What kind of question is that? Of course we are friends forever!” We just laugh and hugged and went our septate ways.


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