Chapter 11

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   Thursday morning, I'm excited my birthday is in two more days and I can't wait to plan it with Joey!

   I wish I could have been planning it with Rebecca and Juanita but they are not here sadly.

   We have been taking a lot I FaceTime. Seeing them makes me miss them a lot. They keep telling me that nothing is the same with out me over there.

   Mark looks like he is getting over me. I wonder if he thinks of me...

   Joey picked me up ay my house, but he had been acting weird. He is not playfully flirting with me like he usually does.

   Wait. Is it because I shook his hand last night? OMG! If it is, he probably thinks I only want to be friends with him! But I don't. I like him a's just I can't get over Mark...

   I finally killed the silence on the last minute. "Hey are you okay?" He looked at me and with a cold tone he answers, "yeah why?"

   I got startled by his tone but I brushed it off. "I know something is bothering you." I said hoping I'm not saying the wrong thing to upset him.

   "Well...I just think...the guy I liked...doesn't like me back..." I know he is taking about me, but I can't tell him I'm still heart broken and can't get over Mark...

   I have have to tell him about Mark. Maybe he will understand.

   "You know I liked this guy once, not too long ago, I liked him a lot my freshman year. When I first saw him... I thought it was love at first sight...Then this year a week before he asked me if I could kiss him. To see if he was into men, but we didn't kiss until the next day..." tears started to fall on my cheek.

   Think of how much I have fallen for a guy who never even notice me make my heart hurt so much. "Then the next day, I had to go to the restroom. I hear moaning in the bathroom so I got out thinking some guy was screwing some girl...Then when they came was him..Mark....the guy I thought that liked me... with another girl..." I started sobbing hysterically.

   I couldn't stop. Joey parks the car and hugs me. Trying to calm me down. "And I trying to move on, but I just can't get him out of my mind..." we just sat there and talked. I even told him about the party.

   He was getting the hint of why I was rejecting him. "You deserve someone way better then that prick Riley." I looked into his eyes.

   A small smile creeps on my face and I hugged him tightly, snuggling on his chest. I stopped crying moments later. After a while of embracing, we continue to head to school before we were late.

   At lunch time, I told Joey I was going to sit with Brenda and Jensen. He didn't want me to, in a good way, because we wanted me to sit with him. I smile and told him I didn't want to sit next to Rubie and Natalie he nod and I walked towards the girls.

   "Hey girls!" They had a big smile in their face and hugged me.

   "Hey Riley!" They both said in sync. I sat down and looked at Joey coming this was with his food tray and along with Kenneth, which was giving googly eyes at Jensen.

   Jensen was blushing. It looks like they both have a thing for each other. I don't blame him. Jensen is so beautiful, with her nice blond hair, ocean blue eyes, very pink lips, and her awesome personality. What's not to like?

   And I see why she liked him. He has sexy short brown hair, gorgeous hazel eyes, and perfect  tan skin. He was a Greek God walking in earth. Not as good looking like Joey, but close enough.

   I looked at Rubie and I saw how furious she was when Kenneth came to sit with us. I don't know how he can be dating her. She is so rude, mean, and conceited. She only cares about herself.

   He can do so much better than that. She may be a pretty brunette with light brown eyes, but she is ugly and hideous on the inside like a boiled egg.

   Rubie gets up from her table and storms towards us. "Kenneth! Come back to our table now!"

   Damn bossy!

   Everyone was starting at her. Even the cafeteria got quite and stared at her. Kenneth looked furiated. He was not going to let his man hood be destroy by a girl.

   "Hell no! You don't tell me where to sit!" She was startled by his tone. "I'm tired of you bossing me around. We're done!" He said with confidence and pride.

   He looked at Jensen and smiled at her. and besides I like some else. I have liked her since the first time I lay eyes on her."

   I can see Jensen face turn red and smiled and I can see Rubie's face turning red with anger. "FUCK YOU! KENNETH! I HATE YOU!" She turns around and walk off but then turns around. "Oh and by the way I slept with your friend Louis and he is way better in beer than you."

   She storms out. Kenneth looks hurt when she said that. Everyone was chatting and whispering when she left. " I never even like Louis anyways. He was really cocky and thinks he is better than anybody. They make a good couple."

  Kenneth said in a happy tone. A tone that sounds free and relief.

   After school, Joey told Kenneth and I to start sitting with Brenda and Jensen. We both agree with no hesitation.

A/N: Hello my lovelies! Sorry I took forever to write. I have been doing a lot of school work and it's killing me! It's killing me I tell you!  I also been stressing at work! Ugh! Haha anyways I hope you liked it and I'll try to upload more!  I love you guys thanks for your votes! You guys are amazing I'll see you guys next time!

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow!

Love ya! Bye!


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