Chapter 15

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Monday morning, I woke up not feeling well. I wasn't sick or anything. I just didn't feel well because I keep stressing out about the whole situation with Mark.

I got out of bed, went to the bathroom to wash my face, and got my clothes ready for today.

With the whole Mark situation put aside, I actually feel really excited for school.

Is going to be the first day that joey and I get to hold hands like a couple and actually embrace it.

After I finish getting dressed I hear a knock on the door. I went up stairs to open it.

I had a big dorky smile when my eyes stared at Joey. "Hey babe are you ready to go?" I nod and I gave him a kiss.

"Yes I'm all ready. Oh wait I have to get my back pack and my phone." I ran down stairs to get my things' then my phone vibrate.

I got a text from Mark. I open the text. And it read good morning :) I felt guilty that I was texting him behind Joey's back.

I decided to tell him after school. I didn't want to ruin our first day as a couple. I ignored the text and went up stairs.

"You look a bit tired. Did you get some sleep last night?" I didn't sleep well because a lot has been on my mind.

"I slept good is Monday sooo that could be a factor of me being tired haha." He laughed at my response and kisses me and we drove off to school.

We arrive to school. I was nervous because he held my hand. He notice "It's okay babe. Don't be nervous. Everything is going to go well." I forced a smile and nod and we started walking to school.

He squeezed my hand to reassure me that everything is going to be okay. My nervousness went away.

I was really close to Joey. He wrapped his arms around me as we walk to my locker.

I thought people wete going to say hateful things but they didn't. They just started and smile and then went about their day.

Joey walked me too my first period and kissed me. Everyone stared and wolf whistle at us. My cheeks burned and I waved good by and sat next to Brenda.

Brenda has that look of what the bleep just happen?! I explained everything to her. She awed and gushed about the whole thing.

After class Brenda was a bit nervous. "Joey I have to tell you something." I looked at her and smiled.

"Yeah, what is it?" She looked both side to see if no one is around to hear. " I think we'll I mean I know I'm a umm.... a lesbian." I give her a warm smile.

" I already knew. I was just waiting for you to tell me when you were ready. " she had a shocked look on her face. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

"How did you know?" She asked. I explained to her how in the party she was flirting with a girl by giving the girl googly eyes and how she was checking out every pretty girl in the party.

She blushed with embarrassment. I also mentioned how she looked at Jensen. She turned red as a tomato.

She walked me to my second period class. She was telling me about the girl that was at the party and how she wants to talk to her. I encouraged her to go for it and she agreed and left to her class.

"Hey babe." Joey hugs me from the back and kisses my neck. "Babe not in school. People are watching." I playfully said.

We walked in class holding hands. Students looked at us and woo at us. I blushed again. I'm not use to this much attention.

You can here Joey's friends taking about us in whispers.

Awe they are so cute together.

I told you he liked him.

I saw that coming.

After the bell ranged they went about their business.

During second period, Joey was passing me notes. Telling me you look so cute today. I just want to cuddle you up! I smiled at him and winked.

I thought that was really cute. I finally found a decent guy. And my heart was happy.

After school I was ready to tell him that Mark had texted me. "Babe I need to tell you and show you something." I was sweating and nervous.

"What is it babe? "He tried to read my face to see if he can figure out what is wrong.

"Well yesterday I got a text from an unknown number. When I opened it... it was Mark." He looked surprised and had a worried look on his face.

I gave him my phone and he read the text. He has a goofy smile when he read what I said about him.

"Babe do you really want to be friends with him?" He asked nervously. I was not going to lie to him so I was going to give him my honest answer.

"I do but then I don't. I do because I feel sorry for him and I know he is trying to show that he is sorry. But then I don't because he hurt me so bad and I don't want anything to do with him. I'm just confused. I don't know what to do."

He gave me a sympathetic look. "I don't want to lose if you end up having feeling for him again." My heart was beating fast.

"Babe you're not going to lose me because I would never hurt you. You're the best thing that ever happen to me. You're the only guy that has been truthful and respectful to me. No one had treated me like you do. So don't ever worry about me catching feeling for him because I don't see him like that and never will."

He stare down then back up at me. I put my hand on his cheek. "I really do like you a lot. I hope you know that."

"I believe you babe." I smiled at him and kissed him. He kissed me passionately. We went home, talked about today, and then went to our houses.

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