Chapter Sixteen: I'm proud of her

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I have never been more scared in my life. Her skin was gone, and all that was left was her skull. Her long black hair was gone, and the only thing covering her face was the hood connected to the long black cloak she was wearing. But the most frightening thing of all was not the dark flames that dances around her, but the long sharp scythe that she was holding. She picked it up as if it weight like nothing more than a stick. "Lolita?" She turned to face me, and all that was looking at me where the empty sockets were her beautiful green eyes once were.

"Well well well. It seems I have misjudged you, allow me to apologies." He tried to take a step towards her, but she pointed the scythe at him as a warning.

"Stay back, or I will kill you before you can take one more step." What was wrong with her voice? It sounded so demonic, it wasn't hers at all. 

"Is that horrible demon's voice of yours suppose to sca-"  He was blasted clear a cross and hit the wall. I saw some blood come out of his mouth the second his body made contact with the wall. She had used way more force than he had on her.

"Next time, I will not hesitate. Now stay down, or I will kill you." He got to his knees, and I heard him laugh. What the hell was so damn funny?

"You stupid child, you think you can kill me? I CAN'T DIE!" His body was glowing yellow, and he looked just as scary as Lolita. He stood up and snapped his neck before staring at her. It was if the impact didn't even hurt him.

"You can stand. I will give you this, you are strong."

"Should I be saying thank you for realizing that? Little girl I am stronger than even your father. I could kill you right here and now if I please." She pointed the scythe at him, and the flames surrounding her danced across the tip of the blade.

"Then do it. Stop your useless talking and show me, if you think you can." She didn't need skin for me to know she was smiling. Even with that voice, I can still hear the cocky smile in it. She was still Lolita, just in her grim reaper form.

"Where,am I?" I almost forgot that I was still holding her brother.

"Hey man, how you feeling?"

"What? Who the hell are you?" I could feel him tense up, he must not have remembered me.

"I'm Ashton Robin, Teresa's brother." I put him down and he leaned against the wall, he seemed so weak. The first time I meet him he looked like he could kill without even giving it a second thought, he was like his dad. But I guess what ever Abraham did to him left him like this.

"Why are you here? What is going...LOLITA!" He finally remembered. He looked up and saw his sister and Abraham in the middle of a fight. He was blasting her with what ever it is that surrounds him, and she was cutting away at them with her scythe.

"She came all the way to find you, she really was worried you know."

"What the hell happened to her?! Why does she have a scythe?!"

"What do you mean? You guys are grim reapers aren't you? Isn't that a normal thing for you?"

"No. Only a full Grim reaper like our father can hold it, let alone touch one. For us even to dream of holding one father would have to be with us. She shouldn't be able to even lift it off the ground." He looked so defeated. I guess he thinks that Lolita was picked as the new Grim Reaper.

"You know, I have always been jealous of my sister."

"What?!" He was looking at me, but my eyes were focused on the fight.

"Even though I protected Teresa from getting hurt, I was always jealous of her. She was open about her gift, even though it got her bullied by our own family. I on the other hand was too scared to even use mine, I was too scared to let anyone know."

"What the hell, does that have to do, with anything." His breathing was getting really heavy. We have to get him out of here and him some help, fast.

"The point is, I still respected her for it. As big brothers we are expect to be the strong ones, the examples. But yet it seems that our little sisters have surpassed us. They were told what was expected of them, but they pushed beyond that. Teresa never stopped using her sight, even after she was bullied. And Lolita worked to get as strong as she has become. As their brothers we should be proud that our sisters have become as strong as they have, don't you think?" I looked at him, and he seemed deep in thought.

He looked at Lolita, and watched her every move. Even if she was in reaper form, she still moved gracefully dogging and attacking. Her attacks were so strong, and her moves were so flawless. Seeing her like this, it's easy to see why Blake would get nerves. Even I would be if she was the one I would have to fight some day. But I can see it in his eyes now, he realized what I meant. He seemed genuinely proud of his little sister, and just how strong she has become.

"I have to admit, I am proud of her. As kids I always rubbed it in her face about me being the next Grim Reaper. I guess it was my stupid taunting that pushed her to work as hard as she did. Looking back at it now, I wonder if things would have turned out like this had I not been so harsh on her."

"Who knows man? Maybe they would, or maybe they wouldn't'. Lets just be glad that she is strong enough to handle her self." In that moment Abraham was kicked right trough the wall of his lab, and Lolita was calmly walking towards the hole in the wall.

"You can say that again. Hey, give me a hand. I wanna watch her kick that dick's ass, but my body feels like I was hit by a freaking train."

"Sure." I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. It wasn't that hard with all the weight he lost, he was as light as Lolita right now. I put his arm on my shoulder and helped him walk towards where she was fighting the man that caused all of this, the same man that both gave me my life...and in a way took it away.

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