Chapter Fifteen: I won't be second best

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We stood outside the front entrance for awhile. I couldn't seem to work up the nerve to even move my legs. What a sorry excuse for a Reaper, my father would be ashamed.

"Are you OK?"

"To be honest, I'm nerves. This is the first time in my life that I fear the darkness, his power is to strong. I feel I may not win this time." He held my hand and placed a small kiss on my cheek. The cold chill it left behind left me feeling strangely warm. I looked into his gray colored eyes, and I found my strength again. What power did this man have over me?

"I'm ready." I used my powers to open the door, and I cringed at the squeak it made from the lack of care on the doors. The building seemed old and run down, perfect place to kill someone.

We walked around, and I could feel Blake's fading energy just below my feet. I knelled down and placed a hand on the cold dusty floor, I could feel him right below me.

"He's right below us, it will take to long to find the door that leads to him. Do you trust me?" I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but trust.

"With my life." 

"Good. Stay close to me at all times, we're going down." He grabbed my waist and held me close to his freezing cold body. I focused on the freeze that follows me, and soon I saw steam begin to rise. It wasn't long before it turned into a dark fog that circled around us. I could feel my feet begin to sink trough the floors, and withing seconds I was standing in front of the weak boy that is my older brother. I can't believe what this man has done to him.

"Blake!" His skin is paler than normal, and he is thinner than he normally is. His once handsome face looks like our father in mid reaper form, but what scares me the most were his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes were now void of any light. They look frozen and lifeless. I can actually feel tears falling down my cheeks and hitting his face. I have never cried in my life, and now I may be crying over the dead body of my beloved older brother.

"Lolita, we need to get him out and fast." He's right. I wiped my tears and focused on removing these chains from him. Thankfully Ashton caught him before he fell, causing what ever was being pumped into him to stop. I took the bag off the pole and saw a strange orange mixture inside. It smelled horrible, and just holding it made me feel strange. I flung it across the room and noticed all the dry vomit on the floor. Along with a black substance I have never seen before.

"What is this?"

"Can't you recognize your own filthy blood?" I turned, and there he was. The man who took and possibly killed my brother. His different colored eyes were strange but also beautiful, and so was he. He looked like an angel, but had the energy of a demon. Is this the man that turned Ashton?

"Abraham?" He just conformed it, especially with the smile that appeared on the man's face when he heard Ashton call his name.

"Well hello Ashton, I didn't expect to see you so soon? How are you son?"

"What the hell is going on? Why are you here?" He was getting confused. This may not go as I had planned.

"Now now Ashton, calm down. We wouldn't want you to lose it again now do we? Remember what happened the last time that happened?" I saw him take a step back, I actually saw fear in his eyes. What the hell had this man done to scare him like this?

"Leave him out of this! This is between me and you right now!" I looked for his life counter, but like Ashton he didn't have one. What the hell is this guy?

"Ah! Little Lolita, how kind of you to join us. It's a shame that I have no use for you, so much power wasted on someone like you."

"What do you mean? I am a reaper just like the rest of my family."

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