Chapter Forty-four: One step closer.

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If I wasn't already dead, I would pray for death at this very moment.

"Do you even know where the hell you are?" Oh I'm in hell alright.

"For the seventeenth time, yes! Now can you please, shut up!" She glared at me, but shut her lip. I'm surprised my father had remained quiet through all of this.

"What is that smell?" He was taking a whiff of the area around us. I remember that scent all too well. My skin started to itch with the memories of that day.

"Up ahead. I'd know that energy anywhere." We started running towards the scent. We passed door after door, until we hit the last one in the long hallway. "Yup. Here we are." It still looked like it did that day.

"So this is the place." Lenore and father started looking around. "Blood!" Some things I guess never change. I haven't seen a smile like that on Lenore in a long time. "Wait. Blake?"

"Yeah?" This is a surprise. She normally tries to avoid calling me by my name.

"Is this?" She touched the stain on the floor. Father was now standing behind her, looking at the stain. I didn't have to look to know.

"Yeah. It's mine." All the memories started coming back, causing me to have a splitting headache. I started looking at all the things in the room. There are still some of the empty bags that contained the liquid here. I can feel my muscles clench at the memory of the liquid being pumped into my body.

"Blake." I turned to face my father and sister. For the first time, in a very long time, I saw an emotion in their eyes that they haven't given me in a while. Understanding. "Just how much did you go through down here?"I looked around, and looked at the all too familiar equipment.

"Not something I like to relive." I picked up one of the tubes, and noticed some dry spots on it. "Abraham wanted to create a weapon capable of beating death. He knocked me and Lolita out, but I was the one that he took. He said he had no use for Lolita, because she took more after mom. And he couldn't use Lenore since she wasn't meant to be the next reaper. He kept going on and on about how she would have been the perfect one to use." I looked to Lenore and saw her shiver.

"That's gross." She went back to looking for anything that might show that Teresa has been here. "Just so you know? It wouldn't have worked."

"What?" I looked at my little sister. And I mean, really looked at her. I have been so busy avoiding my family, that I haven't taken the time to look at them. Lenore has truly grown into a beautiful young woman. Tall, slender, waist length wavy black hair like mother. Bright emerald green eyes with ruby red lips. She will truly be the next deadly beauty after our mother and Lolita.

"I may be more on the dark side, but I am not that stupid." She turned on her heels, and looked at me. She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I don't know how to feel bad for the dead, I can't. But I do know that without a proper balance, chaos is an inevitability." I smiled at my little sister. She is a dark soul, but she is a wise one too.

"She's right you know." Father was looking at some of the vials that had the mixtures in them. He doesn't look like he has aged more than a year, but yet I know he is tired. "Many humans believe solely on your mother's father, and other's solely on your uncle. What they do not realize is that both are needed. God gives humans hope, and someone to fear angering if they fall into the madness that is mortal life. And the devil gives that someone to fear once they do fall. Both are needed to keep balance. Light and dark, good and bad. The Grim Reaper is both. We are both feared, and loved."

"How is that possible?" Lenore was now sitting on the floor, poking the dry puddle of my blood. She was trying really hard not to smile. "How can humans love us?"

"It is not uncommon. Blake." He was now standing straight and looking right at me. "While collecting souls, have you encountered a few humans ready to go with you?"Now that he mentions it, I have. He must have seen it on my face, because he continued. "There are humans that know we do not mean to harm them. We are not all evil, just connected to dark things. It's hard to explain it." I get what he means though. Even though Lenore is mostly covered in darkness, it does not me she is evil. She just has a greater understanding of the dark things in this world. I guess my family still has a lot to learn.


"There's nothing here." Lenore puts down a journal she found, but found nothing useful inside it.

"I agreed. We have checked every corner of this place. If there is... Lenore stop poking his blood! If there's anything here, we would have found it." I watch Lenore stand up with a pout, and start heading for the door. I am about to follow them, when something catches my eye.

"wait!" They stop and watch me head for a carpet on the floor. I don't remember this being there. And the bottom is covered in dust, meaning it was recently placed here. I move it, and see a small door with a handle. "It's stuck."

"Move." I stand and watch as father uses his flames to burn the lock off the door. "Don't look at me like that. I've had centuries of practice. Keep up." Lenore smirks before opening the door. It's a small storage space hidden on the floor.

"Look at this." It's another journal with chemicals, herbs and formulas. She also pulls out a small vial with blood, hair, and different samples. 

"Lolita."I contact her using a link.

"What's wrong?"

"You are never gonna believe what we found." Look out Teresa, cause here we come.

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