No Misunderstandings

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???: India? Is that you?

India: Dad?

Oliver: Yo, ain't this the nigga that raped you?  (Clenching his fists)

India: Oliver calm down, please

India's Dad: Nigga you betta come correct, before you get popped out here nigga! (drunk)

<people are staring at the three of them>

India: DAD STOP! (Screaming)

Oliver: Pop me then bitch ass nigga!

India's Dad: (pulls out gun)


India: (Screams to the top of her longues) NOO!!

   I feel my heart drop to my feet and a river of tears flowing along my cheeks.  I drop to my knees and put pressure on his wound. In the shoulder. The heart maybe?  I don't know! 
  Someone called the paramedics and shoved me off of Oliver. They take him into the truck and I jump in too.

India: GO GO GO!

  They begin to work on him and I see a tear slip Oliver's eye. He's going in and out of conscience. I kneel next to him and lay on his chest. I kiss his face.

India: Hey, Oliver I love you. And I need you in my life. You're my best friend, my lover... You always bring the best out of me. You make me step out of my comfort zone and you love me in spite of my flaws. And I appreciate and love the fuck out of you. I need you to wake up and tell me you love me. You're a fighter baby and I need you to fight. (Rubbing his face)

    We arrive at the hospital and they rush him in yo immediate surgery. They're pushing me back and telling me to calm down and sit down. How could I sit? My phone rings "Mommy♡"

India's Mom: Hey baby, where are you?

India: (crying) The hospital!

India's Mom: What?! Are you okay?!

India: No! Dad was drunk and shot Oliver! He's in surgery.

India's Mom: OH MY GOD I'M ON MY WAY!

   I begin to cry and throw my phone on the chair. I pick it up and call Oliver's mom. I tell her what happened and she starts screaming. She's on her way too.

-3 hours later-

    My mom, sister, Oliver's mom, dad, and little brother are here. We still haven't heard from the doctors. The police are out looking for my dad.  I see the doctor come out and beckon us to him.

India: CAN I SEE HIM?!

Doctor: No, not yet. The bullet missed his heart by 6 millimeters. Any closer we would've lost him. We're moving him into recovery.

Everyone: (sighs with relief)

India: When can we see him?

Doctor: An hour. I'd bring some food, the cafe's not the best (laughing softly)

India: Thank you doc.

Oliver's parents: (hugs India)

     I get in the car and go to Popeyes, that's his favorite. On the way back to the hospital I stop by the crib and grab him a fresh tee and sweat pants.

     I arrive back to the hospital and they let me and Oli's parents in the back to see him. He was sitting up slightly. He looked so sad. I smiled and hugged him. He barely hugged back. It was, dry. Almost as if he was disgusted by me.

Oliver: Hey moma. Dad. (Hugging them)

India: Hey, I brought you food and clothes.

Oliver: Not hungry.

Oliver: I wanna talk to my parents, you mind?

India: No...(walks out)

    I've never felt such a void. I confessed my love to him. Why the sudden change? Maybe it's the meds. Or maybe he blames me because of what happened.

    I sat down feeling sad as hell. Chrystal sat down next to me. She looked at me as if she knew exactly what I was feeling.

Chrystal: Give him some time to clear his head. He just went through something traumatic.

India: How long? Why is he blaming me?

Chrystal: Not too long. He loves you. His anger is misplaced right now. Time.

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