Chapter 27

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Hey there*waves dramatically* so yeah I just felt like attaching a video,  love this song tho. I'm sure everyone must know it LOL.  I actually wanted to share my taste in music and maybe in the next chapter I'll add one from my country lol.

Also I would like to dedicate this chapter to danivalla54
for being such an awesome reader. Thankyou so much.💞

Livvie's POV

"Please, please dont hurt me, what do you want?" If I didnt know any better, one might think it's a little girl begging for help

"I have a family and I dont want to die so ple......."

"Will you just drive, or would you prefer we shove you in the trunk?"


"Good, now do as we say and we would let you go casually we just want a ride its a life or death situation"

"O-o-k-k th-e-en just gi-i-ve me directions"

Thats how we spent an hour and a half trying to get to the Villa as fast as possible.  Jack and I had no plans on how to get in cause we most definetly were on the most wanted list right now. Any time we came across a check point we took a diversion, we were armed and couldnt risk it, most importantly scaredy cat on the wheels might just wrath us out.
The Villa was in a secluded part of Boston only people who lodge there are either business partners or the lost and clueless.

We instructed the driver to park a bit far away, because there were guards positioned on each end of the building and one wrong move could get us killed.

"Thanks Buddy,  now one word to anyone and your family will be 6ft under Mr Mcarthy." Jack didn't mean that but hey I wouldnt tell him that. His eyes widened  with shock as if thinking how we knew his name, how dumb. I dont still undertsand while people hang their ID's on their front mirror, its just too easy.

"You almost made that guy pee his pants Jack," I laughed while trying to get the guys expression of my mind

"It was worth it" Jack laughed smirking as always.

"The only way to get in is through the back, entrance so be as quiet possible"  rolling his eyes he continued walking totally ignoring my comment
This was going to be damn difficult, the sun was scorching hot and I have no idea why this operation wasnt carried out at night  ugggh!
There were usually two guards positioned on the outside,  one out front and out back.  We stood there behind the wall blocking our view to the back entrance and watched him prance around with his gun.

When his back was to us Jack quickly  ran up to him hitting him with the back of the shotgun he now had in his hands,  which made the guard fall on the floor unconcious.

"Common lets go,"  motioning me with his hands while handing me the gun the guard held as if I needed another weapon but I didnt complain,  better safe than sorry right?

"Do you hear that Liv?"

"hear wh.." he cut me off and put his hand on his lips meaning for me to keep quiet.

"Please, just let us go,  we havent done anything wrong, please dont kill us"

"Shut up all of you,  you're giving me a headache now move"

We hid behind the stairs as we saw Lindsay's  friends being dragged into the basement. I had no idea what to do because Lindsay and the others werent among them.
we slowly followed the two guards and wanted to use the element of surprise when I stepped on a plank which made a creak sound way to go Liv.

One of the guards turned back, pulled out his gun and I heard a gun go off,  but I wasn't hit,  why?. Then I saw him slouch to the floor.  I had totally forgotten Jack was behind me.
The other Guard ducked  and let go of the children, They ran forward with their hands still bound together by the cuffs.

"you stay down here,  all of you" I motioned them behimd the stairs and I reloaded my gun.  I hid behind a  tin barrel amd fired a shot.

The man lunched towards Jack which made him loose balance and fall down. Then the guard kicked away his gun.  He threw a few blows to Jack and I was in no way going to shoot incase I accidentally shot Jack. 

Jack knocked him onto the floor, using his head to smash against the bare concrete
blood trickled down the guards nose making him stagger back on his feet trying to reach for his gun. That was my cue! I rushed forward and pulled the trigger the bullet went straight into his left shoulder blade.
"Fuck" he shouted

"Jack are you ok?"
I had totally forgotten that he wasnt completely dead,  the next thing I heard was a gun shot which flew straight into Jacks upper arm.  The rage in me had just gotten to its pick then I spun around and pulled the trigger three times, in other to ensure he was completely dead.  Blood gushed out from the parts of his body where the bullets had entered with his face already disfigured. 

The girls were screamimg as they saw the lifeless men on the floor in a pool of their own blood.  My priority now was only Jack.  He had ripped his shirt and was trying to tie his hand to increase the presssure.

"Its ok dear,  you'll  be fine" I said while tying the cloth firmly around his arms.

He extended his arms and I helped him get up.  The coast was now clear for now.  The children came out while I was searching the guards pockets for their keys to the handcuffs.

"Found it" I half yelled while running speedingly to them
After unlocking one pair I left them to figure out the rest by themselves the children are most certainly not safe here.

"Go out of here and get help,  call an ambulance before you get back,  there will certainly be casualties" with those words Lindsay's friends sped out of the building, Jack and I climbed the stairs with the intention to shoot on sight.

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