Who Am I? : Chapter 23

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Livvie's POV

After seeing the news, I couldn't continue listening so I turned off the Tv, I began panicking and pacing round the dark living room, ofcourse I had tripped a few times but that was the least of my worries. Jack couldn't seem to stop cursing out Jacinth, as if that is going to help.
I sent him to take a shower so he could calm down. I knew this has to end as quickly as possible for everyone's sake. I just hope that we wouldnt be loosing more than our children. Seeing as everything was turning out, I knew the truth of everything was going to be revealed. If we ever got out of here, Jack and I might end up alone without our kids, and possibly locked up. Oh shit, this is worse than I imagined.

I suddenly remembered the secret room lex had in her house and began looking for it. All the tools we needed were going to be in there. I thought I could escape this life for good but I guess I cant play the good wife and loving mother forever. It has been years since I had even fired a gun, not to talk of fighting, I had blocked all my training from my mind after the first year I gave birth to Liam.
After rounding the house I finally realized that the room was right infront of me,how foolish of me. I quickly entered the code on the door which was so easy cause it was Lexs' birthday. I was awe struck as I saw almost all the weapons and armours had been taken out. Dont tell me, oh no.. this cant be good.
The only weapons left were a black riffle, two swords and a shotgun. I took them out and searched through the few drawers for a suit but I only found one, which would in no doubt fit me and not Jack.

"Whats happened here?" I was startled to see Jack standing behind me.

"You scared me, Jack"

"Sorry honey, but about my question?"

"I have no idea, but your guess is as good as mine"

"We have to leave now Jack, time is ticking"

Jack in turn sent me off to shower and said we would finalize our movement when I'm done because he said I look like one of those women from Death becomes her, the movie. I thought it was a compliment till I remember what they looked like at the end of the movie and I was about to strangle him. ,The nerve.

After my well deserved but quick shower, I changed into the armoured suit and starched the riffle in one of the pouches along with one of the swords. Jack put the shotgun and sword in the bag we had been carrying all the way from Rose's house. It is yet that time again when the student becomes the master.!


I know this chapter is the shortest of them all, but I really wanted to update. I want to thank everyone who has been following the story, and I know I dont have a lot of votes yet but,please keep voting and recommend the book to your other wattpad friends please for me *bats eylashes* lol but please vote and comment, thankyou all. xx

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