Who Am I? : chapter 2 .

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"Jenny?" I called out..

"How long are you guys gonna get changed? Lina is waiting for me at Benny's" I yelled while pacing down stairs.

Liam as always came rushing down the stairs.
"I tried to get Jenny down here but you know fashion conscious she is.." he said bluntly

"Liam!!!" Jenny yelled and I rolled my eyes.  These two never agreed on anything. 

"Dont get me started with you.". Jenny says while rushing downstairs.

"Ok ok you guys shouldn't begin one of your silly arguments again"..

"Out the door now, lets go" I commanded.

"Lock up Jenny ok, and meet Liam and I at the garage.."

we walked out of the house and flagged down a cab, giving him our directions.

At Benny's

"Hey guys"

Lina said as she looked at Liam and Jenny. They all exchanged pleasantries while we took out a seat at the table Lina reserved for us.

"This is much better than sitting out there in the porch doing nothing".
Liam pointed out

"Lina can I buy any other thing for you?"

"Liam?" I called out laughing trying not to choke on my drink.

Liam always had this weird thing for Lina cause she is pretty, slim and has long brown hair, his list is endless and I kinda zone out when he starts talking. 

He said still trying to figure out why I was laughing

"You didnt offer your sisters anything but you offer Lina?"
I said trying so hard to sound serious.

Lina began to laugh and mock Jenny and I for getting jealous of her "prince charming" as she calls him. I and jenny rolled our eyes and Liam got up to go get Lina a snack.. and we mocked him for that. He pretended as though he didn't hear us and started a conversation with Lina and made sure to leave us out of it.
Liam was cool with girls actually and he even had a pretty girlfriend which most guys in school were dieing for. Lina was actually just his dream girl, so he claims.


It was already 6pm and we were all exhausted cause we had a fun filled day . Actually after Benny's, Lina, Jenny, Liam and I went to see a movie and it was lovely .

"Wow sis"! You really out did yourself today"
Liam noted out as we took a cab back home

I smiled and was actually glad they enjoyed the treat.
Very soon I'll be leaving for college and we wont get to spend as much time together.

"We are home!" Jenny called

"And it seems that Mum and Dad aren't back"Jenny said looking into the drive way as the cab pulled over. I was so lost in thought I didn't realize when we got home. We quickly stepped out of the cab and gave the guy some money and he drove off.
Jenny opened the door and we all rushed in slouching onto the couch and switched on the tv and began watching.

"Grin! grin! grin!"
The phone rang .

I quickly got up and went over to the landline and picked it up


"Hey dear it's Dad,"

"Oh hey Dad, where are you?"
You guy left before I even got up..."

"Oh sorry about that dear, we are not able to speak right now and we don't have much time, we wanted to know how you guys are doing."

"We are good, we went out though and had a nice time and we also....." he cut me off and I wondered why

"That's good honey! Make sure you take care of your siblings remember your Mum and I love you guys ... ok bye!"

He hung up
this was strange, they've never behaved like this before

"Lindsay! Lindsay!"

Yes Jen?" I answered absentmindedly so lost in thought and I didn't notice that Jenny had been calling me for some time. 

"Who was that?" she asked

" It was Mum and Dad" I shrugged

"They were acting all strange and said they didn't have time and with the looks of things they aren't coming back this night" I answered


"Jen I don't know, but they said they love us"

"Ok then" Jenny replied

"Maybe they are on a romantic getaway "

"ohh Liam are you ever serious?" I asked

Well he all made us laugh and the tension that had built up had reduced.

I kept on changing stations in the living room while Jenny complained that I was giving her a headache.  I didn't even realize when I fell asleep.  I guess we all didn't realize because  we didn't even have strength to go up to our rooms.

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