Who Am I? : chapter 4:#Derail

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"Honey, you need to keep on moving you cant give up now" Jack said

"I'm so tired, lets give in already"

(gunshots in the background)

"oh my they are close "

"Livvie run, run, you need to run, ...

"I have been running for hours but I dont think I ca........"

I was cut short as I saw our ticket to freedom .

"Jack! Jack!!" I yelled cause he was in front of me speeding for his life...

"Here's a vehicle"... it took him time to stop but once he heard my yells, he quickly turned back and approached me

"ok dear get in now"! .He shouted

"Jack com'on what are you waiting for? start the car"

I was anxious and afraid...

"the car refused to start dear"

And I heard my heart literally break

"We are dead", my cheeks burned of hot tears that rolled down....


the car finally started and I felt my heart leave my chest as I looked back and saw two men holding guns not too far from the vehicle...
We zoomed off and kept on checking behind us.

"Where are we going to go now honey?"

"I have no idea , liv"

I tried calling the kids but no one was picking and I knew they had heard my message...


"yes dear?"

"we have made terrible mistakes and now the kids are in danger,especially Lindsay"..

"She is gonna think we always hated her"

I began sobbing so loudly that Jack had to yell..

"STOP IT LIVVIE!" "we tried our best" he continued to say..
but she just wouldn't die..."

"We also made the mistake cause we wouldn't have brought her into our home 17 years ago"

"She..she..I began to say..

"she has caught me trying to stab her on two occasions but I always told her that I wanted to check up on her"

"Oh Jack I just couldn't do it" I continued to sob

As I looked over at Jack I saw that his eyes were now watery and he felt as much pain as I felt.
I tried calling the kids one more time and this time, someone picked the call it was Liam..

"Hello? Hello?" He said

"Hey son....... I began

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