Who Am I? chapter 10: The escape

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"Jack, jack, I said as I panted heavily.

"I don't think I can go any further!"

"Livvie, you will have to try!

"But we have been running for over an hour and I feel sores all over my body and i can barely lift my arm and my legs are getti... he cut me off .

"Oh Livvie, stop complaining will you?" I'm not better than you are in fact I'm worse but do you see me complaining?? he shouted.

He looked at me and felt bad for what he said and began again softly.

"Ok honey, I'm sorry but I'm just frustrated and injured, I am not also sure if we can make it, but we will have to have faith.

"Something tells me that help will come soon.

"Jack?listen I'm hearing voices from afar!"

"Ok livvie, you have to manage, please do it for me and your children and I promise, we will make it out of her alive.

It was almost day break and Jack and I sped off running, then we saw in a distance what seemed to be a cabin with a lantern in it, which meant there was someone in there.

Most importantly someone who could render us help, treatment and food.

We ran towards the cabin and knocked heavily on the door.

"Help, please help!"we shouted in sync

"Please,some people are after us and they want to kill us".

We continued this for five more minutes till the door slowly opened.

An old lady came out of the house with the lantern we had seen in a distance. I wondered why because it was already day break.

"Go away , I don't want any trouble she said"

"Please ma'am, we are injured and hungry and tired and we have no idea where we are please let us in", Jack pleaded.

She was still about to shut the door until i started to sob heavily and she saw that we really had no place to go.

She quickly let us in without uttering a word.

"Sit down, she said.

"while I get the first aid kit,you guys look really bad.

She hurried to a corner and brought out a big box she dropped on the table before us.
She started tending to my wounds first and began to say

"My name is Rose!

And what are your names, she asked.

"My name is Jack"

And "my name is Livvie."
We answered.

"Ok, Jack and Livvie before I can let you people hide out here, tell me who is after you and why! Rose said

Jack opened his mouth to speak and i gestured him to leave the talking to me.

"Well, Rose there are some bad people after us because we refused to do what they asked us to do "

I was really sketchy in my explanation so she wouldn't get the hint that we were runaway assassins.

"They locked us up and beat us up without food or water, we were about to be killed but we managed to escape last night and that's how we found ourselves here.

"Oh my, that's horrible, ok i'll let you guys stay here for sometime or at least till your wounds get better.

"Now Jack its your turn." I just realized she had finished cleaning my wounds and putting plaster and bandages were necessary.

She tended to Jack's wounds without speaking and after she was done she said

" livvie, come over her and help me prepare something to eat."

The cabin was not as big but there was space and room for any place she could possibly need.

I struggled to get up cause I was still in pains.

I walked over to the counter then Rose and I started cutting up some vegetables when we heard people pounding at the door.

The knife i was using fell from my hand and hit the wooden floor and I knew exactly who it was.

It was Jacinth and his men.

"Rose, please you have to help and hide us, they are here for us please can you hide us, please!! I whispered".

"Open this door or we will break it down" a voice said

"Please!!" I began to sob

"OK". She said and silently

and gestured us down to a door on the wooden floor and we used the ladder down and closed the door shut and we felt her move the chair back on top of the door.

Rose scurried to the door and got it open.

"Where are they? They shouted.

"Who are you looking for my child?"

We heard her say as Jack held me tightly to avoid my sobs being heard.

"Two people, a man and a woman, have you see them?"

"No i haven't, she lied

"Boys search this cabin, the voice said

They threw things on the floor and opened all doors and cupboards to ensure we weren't there and I was scared they would notice the rug under the chair and lift it up.

"There is no one here boss" another voice said

"Old lady if you happen to see this two, inform us or you will have yourself to blame."

Without another word they left and shut the door.

It was about twenty minutes before Rose let us out. .

She had a worried expression on her face and i guess before she let us out she was sure they had left.

We sat back in our previous seats and she showed us a picture they had given her..

And I felt my jaw drop, we had been wearing our previous uniform from seventeen years ago and we had badges over our black jumpsuit.

"Jack? Livvie? she began to say

"You told me people were after you, but you didn't tell me who you are or what you did for them to be after you"!

"And why are you putting on these jumpsuits with the name Arcania boldly written on it."

"You guys had better tell me the truth or I will send you out."

I felt my heart drop, I thought we had out smarted Rose but I never imagined they would come here looking for us and more or less with pictures and now we had to tell her the truth and leave her to decide our faith.
We had to tell her that we were Assassins.!!!

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