Halloween Party!🧟‍♂️Sherlock X Reader

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"Come on! I got us matching couples outfits and everything!" You whine to your boyfriend, Sherlock.

John and Mary were having a Halloween party at their flat, and you and Sherlock were invited. You got matching costumes for you and Sherlock to wear, and he seemed fine with going... until now.

"(Y/N), Halloween is for children, not adults," he says. You sigh. "Please, Sherlock? For me? For the sake of John and Mary?" You plead. Sherlock rolls his eyes and huffs. "Fine, but I am not wearing the costume," he says.

You growl. "Yes, you are! You have no choice," you say. Sherlock huffs. "Fine," he says. You smile gleefully and shove him into the bedroom. "It's on the bed," you say, closing the door.

You hear huffing and sighs coming from inside the bedroom. Sherlock emerges from the bedroom dressed as a pirate, and you were clad in a green parrot costume. "Ready?" You ask. Sherlock nods slowly.

You smile. "We won't stay there long. Only long enough to show up, let everyone know we came, then we can leave. That's all," you say, descending the stairs to the flat. Sherlock sighs. "Knowing you, we'll be there for hours," Sherlock says, finally allowing a smile to grace his lips.

You roll your eyes. "Sure. All because of me," you say teasingly. Sherlock chuckles lightly.


"Sherlock, did (Y/N) drag you here?" Greg asks, meeting you and Sherlock at the door of John and Mary's flat.

Greg's dressed as a burglar. He looks absolutely rediculous in his ski mask and black jumper.

"Actually, I dragged her here," Sherlock says. You roll your eyes. "Sure, after you said 'let's go in, say hi, and go out'," you say, quoting your boyfriend. Greg chuckles.

By now, Sherlock has walked into John and Mary's flat and left you behind. You walk through the door, as Mary hugs Sherlock. John eyes you and walks over to you. "Welcome to the party. You're just in time for snacks to be handed out," John says, hugging you.

You smile. "That's great. I'm starved," you say, hugging John back. By now, Mary has made her way over to you. "Glad you made it, (Y/N). I honestly don't know how you dragged him here," she says, notioning to Sherlock.

"I thought that I was going to have to come alone at first," you say. Mary nods in understanding. "Anyways, drinks are in the kitchen. I think Molly's in there. Mycroft's sulking in the living room. Mrs. Hudson's on her way with cake," Mary says. You nod.

"I'll go say 'hi' to Molly," you say.

You make your way into the kitchen, and spot Molly sitting alone on a barstool. "Hey, Molly. What's up?" You ask. Molly turns to face you, as a smi, e forms on her face. "I was wondering if you were coming. I've been waiting for thirty- five minutes," she says.

You roll your eyes good- naturedly. "I managed to drag Sherlock here," you say, laughing. Molly laughs, too. "What's his costume?" Molly asks. "Pirate," you say. "That's ironic. Mycroft said that Sherlock would be a pirate, and Sherlock is," Molly says.

You and she burst into a fit of laughter, just as Sherlock and Mycroft walk in. "What's so funny?" Sherlock and Mycroft ask in unison. "Irony," you say. By now, you are straight- faced.

Seeing this, Molly's laughing continues, and yours starts right back up. The two brothers look to Molly and you in confusion, which makes the two of you laugh harder. Before long, you're laughing so hard that you fall ff the barstool, into the floor, still laughing.

Sherlock helps you up with a confused expression still on his features. Mycroft raises his eyebrows, unamused. He turns on his heel and leaves. Greg runs in. "Did I moss something?" He asks. "Everything, " Molly, Mary, and John say in unison. You break into fits of laughter, causing Molly and Mary to join you.

Before long, Halloween and Sherlock's surprising appearance is long forgotten. The flat fills with the sounds of laughter echoing throughout. Then, Mrs. Hudson comes in, completely oblivious to the events before her arrival.

"What did I miss?" She asks. "Everything," everyone else replies in unison.


709 words
Sorry that this was a day late.

Anyways, Happy Halloween! Even if it's a day late.

I literally just thought of this at twelve 'o' five a.m. on November 1, 2017.

Yep, this is soooo lame.

Anyways, love always,

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