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[final chapter]
three years later...

Harry's POV

Harry pushed the front door open, the wind whistled outside as it swung shut behind him, and tromped into the relatively small kitchen to put the grocery bags he was carrying down on the table. Before doing anything else he removed his boots, if he tracked snow through the house Draco would surely have his head. While he was at it he took off his winter hat. His snow covered dark black hair fell into his eyes, he ran a hand through it. Harry shoved his hat into the sleeve of his jacket and hung it on a hook by the door.

He was warm in a festive red Christmas sweater and jeans. Draco had made him change out of his sweatpants before they'd gone shopping as he'd refused to be seen with Harry in public while he'd been wearing sweats on sweats. His glasses began to fog from the change of air temperature, coming in from the cold into the house. He took them off to wipe the lenses. Harry replaced his glasses and surveyed the small rustic house. He looked around, hands on his hips, at the hardwood floor and accent brick wall in the living room through the large doorway of the kitchen. The ceilings were high but the footprint of the place wasn't very big. Most days when it was just the two of them it was rather homey. However, he felt that it might be a little cramped tonight at the Christmas party all their friends would be attending.

"There's no way we're going to fit everyone," Harry said in a very matter of fact tone when he heard his boyfriend come in through the front door behind him. "Remind me why we agreed to host."

Draco came up from behind Harry and kissed him quickly on the cheek as he passed by, plastic grocery bags in both hands. His lips were cold from the chill outside. "If only you'd agreed to move into that house in Italy," the blond man hummed, "we would have had enough room there."

Harry chuckled deeply. "Are you ever going to let that go?"

Draco set the bags down on the table then began to unwind his scarf from around his neck. "Mm probably not." The right side of his mouth curled up into a smirk as he removed his coat. "Go get the rest of the food from the car, will you?"

Harry rolled his eyes but grinned. "Don't even worry, your Highness. I brought it in already, or perhaps you didn't see," he said cheekily. Harry strode around the table to where Draco was, leaning around him he picked up a plastic bag that contained food that his boyfriend had deemed good enough for the Holiday dinner they had to prepare. Draco took it from him and started unpacking it, putting the contents onto the table before them.

"Speaking of the car," Harry leaned against the edge of the countertop behind Draco. "Have you thought any more about getting your license?"

The blond man kept his back to him. "You know what my answer is," he said shortly.

Harry shook his head. "So what, I'm just going to drive you around for the rest of our lives?"

Draco cocked his head. "The Boy Who Lived Twice as my personal chauffeur." He turned, slid his pointer fingers into the belt loops of Harrys jeans, pulling him closer, and gave him a peck on the lips. "I like that. Brilliant idea."

"Oh come on, Draco," he laughed. "I said I'd teach you."

"We don't have time to be talking about this foolishness," Draco said dismissively turning back around. "I'll get started on the food and you start decorating the house. I think the boxes are in the closet of the guest room."

Harry dropped the topic of the drivers license. He didn't really mind driving Draco around all that much, it was fun to tease his boyfriend. "I love that we're doing all this hours before our guests arrive."

"I wanted to spend a week in Costa Rica," Draco said haughtily as he started pulling out bowls and cutting boards. "Sue me."

"I'm not blaming you. We both forgot about the party. I'm just glad we remembered before it was too late."

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