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Draco's POV

It took Draco two hours to accept the fact that he'd be spending the rest of the day with Potter.

Two hours which he'd spent staring up at the top of his four poster bed.

Why had he said yes? What was wrong with him? This was The Boy Who Lived who was willingly spending time with Draco. Why?

Once Draco had thought about it a bit he'd managed to work his head around it. Sure, Potter was an annoying suck up to the teachers and students, though he didn't seem to be all bad. He had let Draco have a go on his broom despite the way they had treated each other in their first semester. He and Potter weren't on the best of terms but that was only expected of them. He was in Slytherin and Potter was in Gryffindor.

There were other reasons they didn't get along though. As a start Potter had turned down his friendship. Who did he think he was?
It shook Draco up how much a part of him wanted to get along with Potter. What reason did the arrogant Gryffindor have for disliking him?
A war was taking place in Draco's head, all but a tiny piece of him wanted to despise Potter for everything he was. Loathe him for making Draco look like a fool and embarrassing him, for hanging out with people like Weasley and that muggle born Granger(as if they were better!)

Then there was that tiny piece in him that wanted to be friends with Potter.
Draco shuddered, what would his father say? He didn't want to think about it.
Not just his father's anger but actually getting along with Potter.
Thoughts of 'what if' began to surface.

What if Potter had shaken his hand that day on the train?
What if circumstances had been different?
What if Potter had been sorted into Slytherin?
What if Draco had been sorted into Gryffindor?

Even thinking of such a possibility filled Draco with guilt. All his life he'd been proud of his family and how they'd almost all been Slytherin(those who hadn't been were cut off) which is why he had been so relieved when he had been sorted into Slytherin.
But that had been months ago, why was he now rethinking his position?

Yet despite the swelling guilt he felt an odd sense of pleasure as images swirled through his head. Images of him sitting at the rowdy Gryffindor table which was so different from the uptight Slytherin table. An image of him wearing a scarf striped red and gold opposed to green and silver. The image of sitting around the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room with a smiling Weasley, Granger, and Potter. Then the image changed and it was just Potter and himself laughing and joking around.

His head spun as he quickly sat up. Draco shoved away the black blankets and pushed back the green curtains that hung in place around his bed.
It was too much, all the 'what ifs'
He stripped of his nightclothes and replaced them with black slacks and a fitted, fur lined, sweater. Draco stuffed a thin pair of gloves into his pocket as he left Slytherin common room.

His footsteps echoed on his way to the Great Hall. In the dungeons, where the Slytherins dorm was located, it was so cold Draco could see his breath. Potter had said "same time tomorrow"
Did that mean they'd eat together at the same time first or would they just meet at the Pitch?

Draco entered the dining area and stopped, scanning the room. Potter wasn't there.
Dread coursed through him, what if this was all a prank on the other boys part? What if he was just trying to show him up?
No, it couldn't be, Draco tried to push back the doubt that threatened to spill over.
Well either way, he told himself, he still had to eat.
Draco strode into the room and took a seat in the same chair as yesterday.

"You only just missed him" it was that Clearwater girl.


"Harry, you only just missed him" his name rolled off her tongue easily and Draco bristled.
He could smell the attitude of pretentious authority just rolling off this girl in waves. A glance at the badge on her chest explained where this attitude came from, she was a prefect.
Despite wanting to Draco didn't shoot her a rude retort because had what she'd just said been true? Potter wasn't pranking him? He genuinely wanted to hang out?' Draco had never felt so self conscious in his life.

"He asked me to tell you," her chest swelled with pride and Draco wanted to puke at how proud she was at being a messenger for Precious Potter "if you came along and were still interested, to meet him at the Quidditch Pitch."

Draco looked away and said "Eggs done easy over, firm yolk, sprinkled in diced bacon. Don't make the bacon too crispy."
In front of him his order appeared, he kept himself from rushing (because "Malfoy's must, no matter what, keep their dignity!")
Only his favourite meal didn't taste as good as it usually did.


Trying to maintain a calm appearance that totally contradicted the clusterf*ck that was going on inside him right now Draco walked (because "Malfoy's do not run!") down to the Quidditch Pitch.

Above him Potter was swooping around like the totally cocky prick he was. Upon catching sight of him Potter made a risky dive, and managed to pull it into a landing.
"Hey" Potter gave a lazy lopsided grin that Draco wanted to wipe away.


"So are you ready or what?" The jet black haired boy motioned to a box of Quidditch balls and some gear that lay under a tree.

"What exactly are we doing Potter?" Draco thought he knew just what they were doing and he wasn't sure if he was excited or terrified. He decided he was excited(because "Malfoy's don't get scared.")

Potters grin grew "You'll see." He turned and jogged over to the gear, Draco hesitated.
"Malfoy's don't get scared" he muttered to himself.
Taking a breath Draco followed Potter.

"Okay, so here's how it's going to work, " Potter shoved one of the schools brooms into his hands, "you take that and I've got my broom." Draco opened his mouth but Potter held up a hand to shut him up. Rude. "Yes, yes, we'll switch it up and alternate. Now," rummaging Potter pulled out two beaters bats and handed one to Draco. "You and I get one of these because I'll be releasing a bludger along with the snitch to keep things interesting. Okay? I think that's all."

Draco stared at Potter a moment to see if he was bluffing, but apparently being knocked off his broom from however many feet in the air they would be didn't frighten The Boy Who Lived.

Not wanting to lose face Draco nodded as if his stomach wasn't tied in knots. He repeated again and again in his head like a chant 'Malfoy's don't get scared, Malfoy's don't get scared.'
Draco mounted his broom and zoomed off, he heard Potter do the same moments later.


Draco was laughing so hard he almost fell of his broom.
"Where'd you even get all this stuff?" He hollered at Potter who didn't seem even slightly fazed after almost being completely blown off his broom seconds before by a bludger.

"Nicked it!" Potter yelled back eyes dancing. Draco shook his head grinning, of course Potter could just steal some Quidditch supplies and no one would notice. He watched as the other boy made a sudden jerk to the left and started whizzing along, ahead of him Draco saw, was the snitch. Potter caught it, Draco hadn't stood a chance, irritation bubbles in his belly.

"How many times have I won now Malfoy?" Potter mocked.

Draco frowned "You're on the Nimbus2000, it's an unfair advantage!"

"Hardly!" Potter teased "You're just a sore loser, I've caught the snitch on the school broom plenty of times today."

"Potter, has anyone ever complimented you on your modesty?"

"Malfoy, has anyone ever complimented you on your Quidditch skills? Honestly, just admit I'm better then you" Potter tossed his beaters bat from hand to hand.

"As if " Draco smirked.

His world exploded then went black.

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