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Draco's POV

"Draco! Draco slow down!"
He picked up his pace and walked faster. Still Pansy's high pitched voice chased him down the halls.

It was the end of the day and Draco was on his way to the Slytherin common room where he'd been hoping to get some peace and quiet. Pansy however did not seem to care.

"Draco!" She whined loudly. Many portraits hushed her. Extremely aggravated at the attention she was drawing to them, but not wanting to cause any more of a scene, he turned on his heels to face her. Pansy was closer then he'd thought and she almost ran into him.

"What?" He snapped "what do you want?"

"Merlin" she rolled her eyes and tossed her sleek black hair over her shoulder. It had grown since last year and now brushed past her collar bone. "Why are you so touchy?"

Draco huffed, he may have been annoyed with her but she was still Pansy, still his closest friend, still the girl he'd gotten to know in first year. "Why do you think?" He demanded.

She linked her arm with his and started walking him in the direction of the Slytherin Common Room. He tried to pull away but Pansy only clung tighter. He clenched his jaw, why couldn't everyone just leave him alone?

"Is it because of what happened in
D. A. D.?" She asked in a sickeningly sweet voice.

If there was one thing Draco had learned over the years about Pansy it was that she wasn't going to leave him alone until she got an answer. Pushing down his rising anger he sighed "Yeah"

"I don't think I fully understand what happened." She gave him her most charming smile, the one he'd seen her use on multiple accounts, whenever she wanted something. This time he knew she was prodding for details on what had really happened today in Defence Against the Dark Arts with Moody. Draco wasn't about to give in. He wasn't going to feed her his story for the rest of the school to gossip over.

"Potter tried to get me into
trouble is what happened" he only felt a little bad for lying.

"Really? It looked like the opposite to me. Like he was trying to keep you from getting in trouble with Moody." She looked up at him with puppy eyes trying to get him to fold.

Good, this was a good sign. Draco told himself. Pansy only ever used puppy eyes as a last resort on Draco when she had no other choice because it rarely worked.
So since she was going to him with puppy eyes that must mean that she couldn't get information from anyone else about what happened that afternoon.

"Potter? Keep me from getting in trouble? Pansy you've got to be kidding me!" Draco scoffed. A tension seemed to lift from Pansy's shoulders upon hearing this.

"I really wasn't sure. I didn't want to think it was true" she laughed. "The day you get along with Potter will be the day I willingly associate myself with The Mudblood and the Blood Traitor!"

Draco inwardly winced. "You mean Granger and Weasley?"

"Are we referring to them by their names now?" Pansy snorted.

"I don't think we should call them... those other things" Draco said carefully.

"Why not? You were the first one to do so" Pansy asked curiously. They were close to reaching the dungeons now. Their breath began to appear infront of them in little puffs of mist.

"I know but I shouldn't of. Even though it's Granger and Weasley it's still pretty disrespectful."

This seemed to baffle Pansy into a temporary silence.
"You never cared about being disrespectful before" she said quietly. "Are you okay Draco?" She asked giving him a worried look.

"Fine" the walls around Draco's heart sealed themselves up. A frown teased the corners of his lips. She finally seemed to sense what he'd been expressing, that he wanted to be left alone, she dropped his arm.

"Dinner will be soon!" She called after him.

He kept walking.


Finally he reached his destination, Slytherin Common Room.
It was full of students ranging from first year to seventh. The flow was always thicker this time of day, when classes were just ending and students went back to their common rooms to start homework, studying, write home, or hang out with friends.

On his way up to his dorm multiple people greeted him. He gave them a nod, a short answer, a polite smile. Nothing more. His father would have told him to talk to them, to socialize, to be the people person they all wanted him to be. He was after all their Prince. However he wasn't up for socializing today.


Draco set his school bag down at the floor by his desk upon entering the room he'd slept in for the better part of four years. He was the only one there. He'd seen Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, and Zabini in the common room.

He stripped of his uniform and replaced it with dark tailored jeans and a designer sweater made of some rare wool his mother was currently obsessed with. Apparently it was all the rage in the wizarding Community of Canada right now. 

He heard several sets of feet approaching the dorm. Probably the boys.

Draco checked his appearance in the mirror, high cheekbones and cold grey eyes looked back. He decided to apply some extra hair gel and was just replacing the lid on the container as the door opened and his friends entered. He quickly departed for the library, his school bag slung over his shoulder.


I'd like to thank both the readers that have stuck with this fanfiction since day one and also those of you that are new who vote and comment on each chapter. Seeing you guys comment and like my work really truly genuinely lights up my day and makes me want to write more.
You guys(and Drarry ofc) are my inspiration to keep writing<3

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