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Draco's POV
FourthYear(Evening before commencement of winter break)

Draco made his best attempt to lose himself between the pages of the dusty books on the ancient shelves of the Hogwarts library. For awhile he succeeded in forgetting his worries as his quill ran across parchemnt when he created his notes. His eyes glazed over as his thoughts became solely focused on his current task of reading and writing.

He was able to block out the other students at the tables around him. Took no notice when they all started to leave, didn't realize he was the only one still there because they'd all left for dinner.
His quill scratched to a halt. Frowning, he dipped it into his ink well and tried again. Nothing came out, he'd used it up.

Sighing Draco reached into his bag for another one. Instead he pulled out a crumpled sheet of parchemnt. His frown deepened, Draco didn't crumple his parchement, he always folded it with crisp creases. This was a rare oddity. Apprehensive, he unfolded it.

Two people's handwriting was scrawled across the page. Now he remembered. His own handwriting was neat and clear.

Astronomy Tower?

Harry's wasn't. The other boys writing was barely legible.

Eleven o'clock tonight

However Draco was sure that had Moody wanted to, he could have been able to read it.

It was hardly anything yet at the same time Draco couldn't keep the close lipped smile from his face. Upon realizing the smile Draco quickly pursed his lips and re-crumpled his exchange with Harry.

It wasn't a big deal, them meeting up.
Why did he feel like it was?


Harry's POV

The great hall was full to bursting. Students, teachers, decor, and food for days. Laughter rang like bells, conversation bounced around at each table, the clatter of silver ware tinkled in Harry's ears.
It should have been enough.

He had his friends and housemates. Ron across from him, talking and chewing at the same time. Hermione beside him with her book out on the table. She managed to eat, read, and hold conversation with Dean Thomas who sat close by with Seamus Finnegan. The Irish boy was roaring with laughter because of something Neville Longbottom had just said or done.
They should have been enough.
To add on, there were the students from Beauxbatn and Durmstrang.
Why wasn't it enough?

Harry looked away  from his friends and stared across the great hall. Looked up and subconsiously scanned then re-scanned the Slytherin table. Draco wasn't there. A weight dropped in Harry's gut.

He didn't know why it mattered to him so mch that Draco wasn't eating dinner. That was the other boys choice. Yet Harry still found himself shoving a scone, wrapped in a napkin, into his pocket.

It would have to be enough.


The other boys were finally going to sleep. It was 10:50 and Neville had conked out on Harry's bed.

"We'll move him!" Ron whispered loudly. Seamus and Dean got up to help, they both had shit eating grins on their faces, Harry shook his head.

"No, don't bother. I'm going to take a shower. If he hasn't moved by the time I get back I'll just sleep in his bed."

So Harry started 'gathering his toiletries' as the other boys got into bed quietly not wanting to disturb Neville too much.
However, instead of grabbing his night clothes Harry grabbed his invisibility cloak and the maurauders map. Once the other boys had drawn the curtains around their four poster beds, Harry pulled the cloak over his head.

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